It was the year 1912 and in the city of London, capital of England and the United Kingdom, there was a renowned exhibition of paintings, there were beautiful canvases representing various places, such as the beauty of Canada, the customs of Australia, or the greenery of Scotland . A renowned African painter, he exhibited several of his works, provoking the admiration of the attendees of the exhibition, among those works he highlighted one in particular, it was a canvas depicting a black Christ. He painted it black because he felt it very much his own, and to bring him closer to his peers than to his color, they were subjected to an aberrant slavery.

Over the years, man has represented Christ Jesus, as his artists saw him, Greco, he painted it with a Spanish face, Leonardo Da Vinci, as an Italian, and each of the people visualized it according to his experience.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus and his disciples went out through the villages of Philip. And on the way he asked his disciples, saying: Who do men say that I am? They answered: Ones, John the Baptist; others, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets. Mark 8: 27,28.
The mystery of Jesus Christ is that being universal, it is also individual. From the beginning of his ministry he stirred up the foundations of every society, both people and a single being, as well as those who formed a multitude. For Zacchaeus, the Jewish tax collector of Roman taxes, it was shocking that Jesus decided to dwell in his house. That individual recognition of God towards Zacchaeus made him determine to get rid of much of his assets. And also located high, Jesus speaks to the crowd and gives them the beatitudes, which are impact until today.
When a person knows about Jesus, he does not remain without being touched, from that moment he will have an opinion of the Lord. What is Jesus for you? Or what does it represent for you? There is a tendency to compare Jesus equating him with a human being, "he is the first guerrilla fighter" some say. Each person has a concept of who He is, according to one's own experience. Experience like the one that the Apostle Peter had, very personal, intimate, close, of more than a friend, he had clear in his heart what Jesus was in him, "you are the Christ, the Son of the living God", is that for you?.-
Jesus is our most beautiful priority is our beloved savior is the Christ of glory.
Thanks for sharing @mariela.