From the rib that he had taken from man, God the Lord made a woman and presented it to the man, who exclaimed: This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She was called woman, because the man was taken out. Genesis 2: 22-23
Eve was the culminating act of God's creation. She was physically perfect, she had a brilliant intellect and possessed a great sensibility to appreciate all the love of her creator. In spite of that she fell into a trap. Dazzled by being supernatural that promised her wisdom extraordinary and power, diverted his gaze from God. The final result was the disobedience and as a consequence the separation from God.
When Eva listened and obeyed the serpent's voice, under the first rung of the ladder of human degradation, by her own decision she abandoned the special and privileged position that God had given her when she created it, to run her own luck. that very soon she realized her mistake, it was no longer possible to back down. The first effects of her bad decision were felt in her relationship with God, and almost simultaneously in the relationship with her husband Adam. Later, when her children they were born, they were also victims of their mother's mistake.
The disobedience of Eve was not premeditated. She was convinced that the will of God was above her own. However, without realizing it, she was cornered by the cunning of the evil one. The first step of her fall was to doubt the wisdom of God to trust in the insinuations of a stranger. The second step was to be seduced by Satan's proposals. The fruit was beautiful and indispensable to achieve wisdom. It was at that moment that Eva began to act on her own, and then the fall occurred.
Seduction remains one of Satan's most effective weapons; and we are his favorite prey. The danger of seduction is to think that, with the capabilities we have, we are self-sufficient to build successful lives. We forget that the price we pay is too high.
Eva had her time in the past, but today you and I are on the stage of life as protagonists. Let's think that the decisions we make today depend on our permanence in Christ and also that of our loved ones.
1Samuel 15: 22-23 And Samuel said: Is Jehovah pleased both in burnt offerings and victims, and in obeying the words of Jehovah? Certainly obeying is better than sacrifices, and paying attention than the fat of rams. Which leads me to think that the first sin that went into eva was disobedience. You can pray, and bring offerings but lack of obedience does not honor God.There is a verse @marialara that God says he wants obedience and not sacrifice:
I think the fundamental difference was that she transgressed and not sinned. There is an important difference.
Given the commandments to multiply and replenish the earth AND not to partake of the fruit meant that you either obeyed one or the other. Couldnt have children without falling, and couldn't keep the command not to partake if falling and having children.
Eve as one of God's finest daughters made the decision to bear children and get the knowledge of good and evil so as to progress through choice, rather than stay in an 'infant' and innocent state.
God knew who He had put there, and knew they would make the right choice for all His children. Now all his children have the ability to progress and choose to return to him or not.
Adam and Eve were our first parents for a good reason, they were some of the greatest of all time, and to reprimand Eve for her brave choice I believe is unwarranted.
Thanks for the post
Hi, do you imply that the sin of Adam and Eve was sex?
No not at all. That they transgressed rather than sinned. The choice was to either procreate (1st command) and not to take of the fruit. To procreate they needed to be mortal and so needed the fruit.
They transgressed in order to bring about humankind