"I will march in front of you, and I will pave the mountains; I will tear the bronze doors to pieces and cut off the iron bolts. "Isaiah 45: 2 (New International Version).
If God calls someone to carry out a mission He will also be in charge of preparing everything for its accomplishment. Previously the Almighty will open doors that only He can open, in addition to closing doors of the past that only He can close (Isaiah 52:12). If there are obstacles as big as mountains, He is responsible for turning them into dust. Call said mountain sin, addiction, guilt, frustration, broken dreams or illness. If God goes before you, His presence will pave your way. It only takes a bit of faith.

Some blessings from God are protected in strongholds, places difficult for a person to penetrate in their own strength. Challenges which will seem unattainable or fears that have prevented us from advancing in the past, yet Jesus Christ has already knocked down these strongholds with His blood; and you just have to believe it.
When God gives a word to His children He expects them to believe and advance without doubt or fear. Being that everything that separates the believer from his blessing is himself, because neither the devil nor sin has power over him (John 8:36). Once the believer decides to wholeheartedly believe God His promises and advances without reservation in His will, fear and doubt will dissipate as the mist and joy will be produced within the believer.
There were times in my life when I was close to getting great blessings from God but I was stopped by hard doors like bronze and iron bolts, I was desperate not to get what in my heart Christ already had given me. Until I understood that it was not about what I could do with my merits, with my works, with my justice, but only with my faith in Jesus (Romans 5:17). At that moment I understood that all I had to do was move forward believing that God was going ahead of me to leave the doors of blessing open in my path. And so it happened, God granted me what I longed for and my struggles ended.
Whatever mountain that stands between you and your blessing, any door that has been closed in the past protecting what belongs to you, any iron bolt that prevented you from receiving in the past greater sanctity, freedom in the Spirit of God, health, dreams or longings of your heart, in short everything that has separated you from your blessing, is insignificant before the power of Christ. He already gave you victory, just believe it.
If today you have believed that the Lord is going before you, pray with me this prayer:
"Lord Jesus, today I understand that it is You who is in charge of giving me the victory and leaving open the doors of blessing in my path. Help me please to advance firmly in your will. Dispel my fears and doubts with your power. Today I understand that I am clothed with the blood of Christ that gives me authority over any obstacle. Today I receive by grace all the blessings you have reserved for me, I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen. "
Certainly When God gives a word to his children, He expects them to believe and move without doubt or fear. But that word does not stop there, you have to drive to seek the promise because many have remained in words only hoping that only God act
Thanks for sharing @marialara.
Great reflection my friend, we must keep it in mind more than ever.