Ephesians 5: 1-17
«Because it is shameful to even talk about what they do in secret» Ephesians 5:12

While waiting in the doctor's office, I read an article about the importance of freedom of expression. The author suggested that producing obscene movies and pornography is good because it helps us see our own potential for evil. He believes that naively thinking that we are innocent is worse than knowing evil and observing it.
This logic for evil is disturbing, especially for those of us who follow Christ. God does not expect us to avoid all contact with evil. Jesus - God incarnate - loves sinners. But in the book of Ephesians Paul said: "And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather rebuke them; because it is shameful to even talk about what they do in secret "(5: 11-12).
Our responsibility is to expose the evil living a life of "goodness, justice and truth" (v. 9), and not taking a stand in "the unfruitful works of darkness" (v. 11). Hendriksen's New Testament Commentary says that the behavior of believers as children of light exposes the works of those who live in darkness and reveals the vast contrast between the two.
It is not realistic or wise to hide in a "holy bubble". But we do not need to see evil to understand our propensity to sin. Let's expose the darkness living in the Light.
Jesus said something about us that is beautiful and should be practical in our Christian life: "you are the light of the world" I think this is more than enough to be a testimony that we are examples and luminaries of the world.
Thanks for sharing @marialara.