Life is like a boat that needs to be managed organized and directed to a safe harbor since storms are an indispensable part of life and nobody can ignore or take them away.
The family as we know is an essential part of society and the most important which needs to be well trained and oriented in all areas of life and when this does not happen unfortunately we will have insecure and weak families that are easy to overcome.
It is not the same to form a family based on biblical principles where all its members recognize God as their lord and savior than a family that totally ignores God and his word.
Sample of this can be found in the following verses:
Matthew 7: 24-27
"Anyone, then, who hears me these words, and does them, I will compare him to a prudent man, who built his house on the rock. Rain descended, and rivers came, and winds blew, and struck against that house; and he did not fall , because it was founded on the rock. But whoever hears these words and does not do them, I will compare him to a foolish man, who built his house on the sand; and the rain descended, and the rivers came, and the winds blew, and struck impetus against that house; and it fell, and its ruin was great. "
The prudent family builds their house according to what is established in the plague of God and fear the Lord Jesus Christ with reverence and praise making their house a strong rock. so that when the storms come they hit the rock that is Jesus Christ and can stand firm but instead the foolish man does not build on the rock but his life is subject to the things of the world and society and when the tribulations come they fall quickly and the family vanishes because they have no hope in God.
In that sense the Bible tells us the following:
Mark 4: 35-39
35 That day, when night came, he said to them: Let's move on to the other side.
36 And saying goodbye to the crowd, they took him as he was in the boat; and there were also other boats with him.
37 But a great windstorm arose, and it threw the waves into the boat, so that it was already flooded.
38 And he was in the stern, sleeping on a head; and they woke him up and said: Teacher, are you not careful that we perish?
39 And rising, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: Shut up, be silent. And the wind ceased, and a great calm.
Men are always afraid of the storms and their disciples also felt it because they were human just like us but nevertheless there was a difference in them that when they were in danger and that their boat was sinking in the middle of the storm they called the teacher with conviction and hope that he would answer because he was his lord also because his foundation was founded on the rock who was Jesus Christ.
Your house needs to be sustained by God
This is the big difference between having Jesus Christ in his home and family life and in those who perish for lack of not having it, because when Jesus directs your boat that in this case your life can be your home your family your work ... everything is different and He gives us strength and enables us to withstand the storms since in the midst of them we are comforted by Him.
¡Give your boat to Jesus Christ!
@ ricci01.@mildreduh, certainly having Jesus as a guide in our life, family, work is really fortifying and hopeful in the midst of any storm.
When Jesus is inside we will be on safe. He is our hope
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