Pharaoh had the economic power, but Moses had the power of God; and the one who has the power of miracles ends up breaking natural power. Because Pharaoh may have the resources, he may have the whip, but the one with the faith that ends is released, that ends blessed.

"And Joseph commanded them to fill their sacks with wheat, and to return the money of each one of them, to put it in his sack, and to give them food for the way."
The sack: represents food and money for what you need.
"And you take for yourself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and oats, and put it in a basin, and make bread for it"
The vessel: we have more food, it is a bigger level, for you, for your husband and your children.
"And they all ate, and were fed up; and they raised what was left over from the pieces, twelve baskets full. "
The baskets: it's for you, for your family and for others.
"Jehovah will send you his blessing on your barns, and on everything in which you put your hand; and he will bless you in the land that Jehovah your God gives you. "
The barn: "I will fill your granaries" we do not ask for the sack, nor for the pot, nor for the baskets, but abundance for all life!
Joseph first had his robe, and sheep to care for, plenty for Potiphar, but then, he had plenty for him: "I am going to fill your granaries," said God.
When the Israelites left Egypt, God gave gold and clothing to the women who asked for it, who stripped the Egyptians, now the question is: if they mistreated them so they wanted the gold? rather, what they wanted was to leave and forget all the evils they suffered. The gold was for when the pain passed, because they had to continue living and they would need gold and clothing.
David had 400 needy people with him, and he turned them into an army, David had the dream of God, one day they took them to women and children, problems do not invent anything, they reveal what is in your heart. Maybe they stole you, you do not have money to get there and you wonder why this happened to me? but there was a way out, because God not only makes you see the problem, it also gives you the way out: The ephod: He had two shoulder pads with gold strips, the priest put it to pray to God, David borrowed the priest for consult and the Lord said "follow them".
The question is: who is your source of information? Are the resources, the people, the mind? But if your source is God, you will know what you are going to do.
The first thing you have to declare is that the glory of God will surround you.
The first thing Ruth said to Naomi in the midst of the pain, (because Ruth had also lost her husband, she was also sad, she had also left home) was: "Your God will be my God", Ruth was a pagan woman. What she was saying was that the glory that the God of Naomi had, now would be the glory that was going to be in her life.
Do you know what it means that glory surrounds you? That everything you do is going to be good for you.
For example, I tell you the following: "It rains, and it rains a lot, and the clouds are dark," is that good or bad? according, on the one hand it is good because there is a couple embracing, having a coffee, looking towards the window and promising love forever. But simultaneously there is another couple in a boat, in an expedition, that were lost by the copious rain and can not be rescued. On another side there is a farmer who has been praying for rain for six months. So, is the rain good or bad? Depends on the context. The context gives meaning to the text. Do you know what Ruth was saying? I was saying:
"I'm poor, but I'm going to put the context of glory. I am alone, but it will not be forever "; and the context will give meaning to what I am now living. This pain will be transformed into victory. Because when you put the glory on your house, the house ends blessed.
Do not forget that we are going from glory to glory and power to power; the context of glory gives meaning to the present that we live.
To the Apostle Paul, they stoned him, one day he ended up in jail. The Christians said: "Poor little Paul, if he does not do anything bad". But Paul said: "Wait, because this light and momentary tribulation produces in me more and more glory." For which we can say: "I am in a prison, but I will surround this prison with glory. And the glory is going to make this prison end up being a blessing for many "; because they are not the circumstances, it is the context that gives the meaning. We are going to give you the glory.
One day the disciples were walking with Jesus and they met a blind man. The disciples were grabbed by the "religious attack" and asked: "Teacher, who sinned to be like that, he or his parents? Whose fault was it or is it an inheritance of generational curse? "And Jesus looked at them and said," He did not sin, neither did his parents. To this we are going to put the glory of God and this blind man will end up seeing ".
Stop looking if you were wrong, if the fault is your parents or someone else. Put the glory to the problem and the problem will end up being a victory. The book of Ruth has four chapters, have confidence that God will give you the strength so that you will be able to walk two more chapters and enter the "chapter of abundance".

God bless you.Excellent @renew2018, our source as Christians is and must be Jesus Christ the giver of all that we possess. The glory of God is upon us.