Efforts for a crown

in #sc-v6 years ago

Greetings and Blessings, health for the whole family steemchuchr.

Today I present my reflection based on the book of ICorinthians 9: 24-27 which reads as follows:
24 Do you not know that those who run in the stadium, everyone really runs, but one only takes the prize? Run in such a way that you get it.
25 Everyone who struggles abstains from everything; they, to the truth, to receive a corruptible crown, but we, an incorruptible one.
26 So, I run this way, I don't eat like this; In this way I fight, not like the one who hits the air,
27 but I strike my body, and I put it into servitude, lest I have been herald to others, I myself may be eliminated .(Taken by
Reina-Valera Version 1960 © Bible Societies in Latin America, 1960. Renewed © United Bible Societies, 1988


Everyone in life aspires to obtain our goals and dreams because, who in this life does not want to see their goals achieved or their dreams achieved, we all run or persevere in what we want to achieve, however there are rules that we must follow to achieve them.

In this sense we find the wise word of the apostle Paul who tells us in these verses that in order to acquire a crown we must undoubtedly strive.

He advises us in relation to the prize the following: Do you not know that those who run in the stadium, everyone really runs, but one only takes the prize? Run in such a way that you get it.
He calls us to reflection through a sports example so that we understand that not everyone who is on the ground with the intention of running takes the prize and urges us to run in such a way that we can get it.


It is clear that here Pablo wants to teach us that there are rules to fulfill responsibilities to attend to be able to obtain the prize and just as an athlete has to be disciplined and comply with the rules assigned to him so the Christian also has to comply with all the principles Bible that establishes the word of God to reach the end and achieve his prize that is the crown that God has promised to those who love him.

In that same order of ideas he continues to urge us to persevere in what we want by bounded in verse 25 "Everyone who struggles abstains from everything; they, in truth, receive a corruptible crown, but we, an incorruptible one."
He refers again to the athletes who fight to win their prize. As is known, athletes undergo rigorous diets and disciplines that they must meet to successfully achieve their goal and emphasizes that if athletes do so to receive a corruptible crown that perishes how much more do we Christians that God has promised us a crown incorruptible that is eternal


Church awaits us one of the most beautiful awards of humanity "an eternal crown" but we have to run not only to run but to win and for that we have to obey and comply with the rules established in the word of God. That is why Paul continues to say in verse 26: "So, in this way I run, not as if by chance; in this way I fight, not as one who strikes the air." Our career must be firm with conviction of the prize they are offering us and of what I want to receive, for this reason it must not be like a stroke of luck or by chance it must be with determination faith and perseverance.


As Christians we must abstain from things that prevent us from reaching the final goal, we must not feel self-sufficient. We have to seek God's help in order to persevere, unless we lose our reward. And in this Paul was very clear in saying in verse 27: "but I strike my body, and I put it into servitude, lest I have been herald to others, I myself be eliminated."

¡ Let's take care of our award and run the race wisely !



Thank you very much to all my brothers who had their time to read, Blessings @ennimariana, @fanny, @jacobbendice, kimbi09, @elpastor, @gressy, @dali13 @shinersfamily @internal blocks.

Beautiful reflection We must execute our career with discipline and perseverance, following the rules of competence indicated in the Word of God. DTB

Our crown is incorruptible. It is very important to fight and be the winners of the spiritual career. Blessings @ ricci01

Thank you for your post. We must get rid of the siege of sin and steadily steer the glorious career of salvation. We must yearn to get the prize on the obstacles of the race. DTB @ ricci01

Every athlete runs for a corruptible crown and the Christian for an incorruptible one. We run with love and perseverance to be the winners of the competition and thus obtain the crown of life in Christ Jesus. Blessings sister @ ricci01.

Hi @ ricci01. Important reflection for the church. He who endures to the end in this competition of salvation will receive the crown of eternal life, which is the incorruptible crown. Everything that can limit our success in the race must be eliminated from us with the blood of Christ. DTB

At the end of the competition there will be a grand prize, however, during the race there are many obstacles. We must look at the one who gives the incorruptible crown, which is Jesus Christ. Blessings ricci01.

I find your publication very interesting, full of encouragement to advance the spiritual career we have undertaken since we received Christ in our hearts. The goal is full of expectations, the crown is incorruptible. DTB

True. The eternal crown is our ultimate goal for this race
Thanks for always keeping me up

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