My reflection today I want to base it on the supremacy and power of God in everything so that you understand that the God we serve is extremely powerful and for Him there are no impossible. ¡ God has no limits!
We are living very dangerous times where the onslaught of society and the conflicts that we live on a moral social and political political level ... affect us socially and we need to hold on to God to be able to fight with hope, because sometimes we feel that our feet slip and really trust in God is the only thing that keeps us standing.
Examples we have in the Bible of men and women who conquered because they understood that God was their strength and there were no impossible for Him. King David in 2 Samuel 22: 3-4 argues this way:
"My God, my strength, I will trust in him;
My shield, and the fort of my salvation, my high refuge;
My savior; of violence you rid me.
I will call on Jehovah, who is worthy to be praised,
And I will be saved from my enemies "(Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960).
Confidence and faith in God will lead us to the true knowledge of the supremacy of God and to understand that although we have problems and carry very heavy burdens we have to deliver them to Him in faith knowing that for God there are no impossible, because He has no limits.
Jesus himself testified of this, I quote the following verses that argue that with God everything is possible:
Mark 10:27
"Looking at them Jesus said: For men it is impossible, but not for God, because all things are possible for God."
¡We have a God without limits!
There are things that men cannot do and cannot give because their position is limited, only God has the power and the power to grant them because there are no limits for God.
It is imperative that people who seek God believe in their power and can contemplate the supreme and wonderful power of their sovereignty in the midst of any situation.
God worked wonders in ancient times did impossible things for the natural man and continues to perform miracles and impossible things that in the human mind is difficult to understand.
Another example can be read in the book of Genesis 18:14 where God speaks to Abraham about the son of promise, I quote:
Genesis 18:14:
"Is there anything too difficult for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time, by this time next year, and Sara will have a chid."
Abraham and Sara were old and had no children in the natural biological time that a man and a woman procreated, however God gave him a son in his old age because for God there are no impossible.
In the same way we can read in the book of Jeremiah 32:17:
`` Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, you made the heavens and the earth with your great power and with your outstretched arm; nothing is impossible for you. "
In this verse Jeremiah also declares the omnipotence omniscience of God and recognizes that there is no impossible for Him, for He once again works in favor of the people of Israel and proves that he has no limit and does what the Man can never do.
We can also read in the book of Numbers 11:23 the following, I quote:
And the LORD said to Moses, Is the power of the LORD limited? Now you will see if my word is fulfilled or not. "God did wonders in the people of Israel through Moises, in this case God descended in the cloud and spoke to him and took the spirit that was in him and put him in the seventies Elder men who put Moses at the door of the tabernacle and when I lay upon them the spirit prophesied and did not cease.
Biblical quotes are taken from The Bible of the Americas © 1986, 1995, 1997 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra,Calif, //www.lockman.org.
That said I conclude that our God is immensely great and almighty, He has no limits and there is nothing that exceeds his power, our problems or adverse situations can never go over Him, we just have to believe in order to see his sovereignty and be able to work to our favor
Amen my friend
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Well, you say Ricci01. The power of God has no limits. The power of God is infinite and there is nothing that can stop it. The power of God opens roads, horizons and is extremely surprising with everything it can create. DTB
Thank you for sharing a valuable message. Certainly, the power of God has no limits. Blessings
The heavens and the earth count the greatness of God's power. The power of God is immensely wonderful and his greatness cannot be contained. DTB @ ricci01
It is a great blessing to know that the power of God has no limits. It is always at our disposal if we activate it with our faith. Blessings
God bless you ricci01. Important message.
Thank God she poured out her power in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The power of God stops in us without limits to continue transforming our lives.