Many times I asked myself: What did it mean to have God in the first place? I didn't understand this question since I was looking for logic and it said: How will I do to have God in the first place in my life? I could not understand because I thought I had to make many sacrifices for this to happen but after time I began to search about the scriptures and through the congregation and the direction of the Holy Spirit who came to reveal this incognito I understood that in order to have God In the first place, all I had to do was have it in my heart to seek his kingdom and justice and delight in his presence every day of my life.
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his justice, and all these things will be added to you. (New American Standard)
He who loves God seeks his kingdom and seeks to please him by obediently practicing his word in spirit and in truth, because really where our treasure is there will be our hearts and if our treasure is God in our hearts, it will surely be our great goal in everything.
Luke 12:34
Because where your treasure is, there will also be your heart. (New American Standard)
To have God in the first place is to give our heart and our will and obey Him, recognizing that without Him we are nothing and that we need his presence and his strength to lead us in this world without fear.
Having God in our hearts does not mean that we have to be in the church all day, of course we have as Christians to congregate because it is a mandate established by the word but to have God is to believe him with all our heart and believe that He loves us unconditionally
To have God first in our lives is to have confidence that He is our God our heavenly father and that he is with us every day until the end of the world.
To have God first is to trust Him in the midst of the storm
and know that his hand will be extended to free us from any adversity and suffering.
My goal will be to give Dio sen everything I do because if He goes with me I will surely have better results in everything he does....
If you put God first in everything you do, it means that you are giving priority to God in your life, for that is really giving God the first place.
Extraordinary! May God be the first thing in our lives, it is a brilliant and fundamental objective. Blessings
Amén @mamidalia, muchas gracias por comentar. DTB
Thank you for sharing an important message of interest. God must take first place in our lives. In everything we undertake, God must be the center of everything. DTB
Exactly loved if God goes before us, nothing bad will happen and if we take it into account first the victory will give us.