Greetings and blessings, health to the whole family of steemchurch, I take advantage of my space in this community to reflect today about very sad real things that happen in God's people and that we should avoid before it is too late
As it is known God's plan for their children is that they be fruitful and successful in everything they undertake and extend their kingdom through their precious church to all ends of the earth but satan's plan is the opposite of God, the He wants to destroy the church of Jesus Christ and uses any ruse to achieve his goal.
For example we read in the book of 1 Peter 5: 8-11
Be sober, and watch; because your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, walks around looking for whom to devour; whom you resist firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being fulfilled in your brothers throughout the world. But the God of all grace, who called us to his eternal glory in Jesus Christ, after you have suffered a little time, he himself perfects you, affirms, strengthens and establishes. To him be glory and empire for ever and ever. Amen.
This exhortation is a call to be vigilant to satan's cunning and cunning, because as mature Christians in the faith we must be attentive and recognize that satan uses many techniques in some very delicate cases that sometimes go unnoticed in some Christians to be able to attack the people of God.
That said I ask why do you want to destroy your church? Are not supposed to be the enemies of Christ who want to end the work of God? People influenced by satan to tear down or stand against the whole project of God on earth? Perhaps this may surprise you but sadly I say it today many people who are within the town stalk and question without any scruple the work and actions of the body of Christ his church, that is to say the work of many brothers.
This is extremely dangerous in the body of Christ, pointing, judging and even questioning the work inside the church ridiculing the brother or sister in order to feed their self-centeredness, it seems to me that it cannot be transformed mature Christians.
The time has come to reflect on our attitudes, because they cannot go above what God has established in his word. Why don't we expect God to judge us, don't you think we are so imperfect to do this kind of thing?
Perhaps what you are questioning today you always practice without any scruple, I think we should review ourselves and I swear that I want nothing to seem jocular at all I simply want to call attention to persevere in the doctrine of Jesus Christ without questioning anyone...
Church all of us at some time in life have been wrong and from God we have received his forgiveness, God did not judge us or left us in a vacuum in discouragement or conflict. He gave us his hand to strengthen and help us and that God also expects his people to give us their hands in any circumstance, because it cannot be possible that we can act for our own pleasure and not God's, because remember that God's projects Only He approves them and what God approves no one can disapprove.
The words written in the Bible should be our daily manual, and God's work and projects even if they have problems
and if they are questioned, man can never destroy them, I remember today those words spoken by a man named Gamaliel, master of the law that we find in the book of Acts 5: 34-39:
But a certain Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, respected by all the people, stood up in the council [a] and ordered that men be taken out for a moment. And he said to them: Men of Israel, be careful what you are going to do with these men. Because some time ago Teudas got up pretending to be someone; and a group of about four hundred men joined him. And] he was killed, and all who followed him were scattered and reduced to nothing. After him, Judas of Galilee arose in the days of the census, and brought many people behind him; he also perished, and all who followed him dispersed. Therefore, in this case I say to you: have nothing to do with these men and leave them alone, because if this plan or action belongs to men, it will perish; but if it belongs to God, you cannot destroy them; lest you find yourself fighting against God
This should get along call us to reflection to know that God's plans and projects remain in time and He does as He wishes
Nor do I want to make mistakes today that we as humans can commit but rather rectify and reflect because for this we have as a guide the word of God which will help us to decipher with the help of the holy spirit what suits us as Christians.
Let us be wise and do not let Satan continue to deceive us, God called us to give us freedom and free us from any slavery, He called us to be happy to love life and love our brothers, He called us to be light of the world and come out of the earth.
Let's take advantage of the spaces and tools that God is giving us today to extend his kingdom on the face of the earth.
Church we are the body of Christ, we are the temple of God
The Apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Corinthians in his first epistle that we are the Temple of God. 1 Corinthians 3: 16-17 tells us. Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; because the temple of God, which you are, is holy.
Doesn't it seem to us that when we want to destroy the church that is the body of Christ, we want to destroy God? Question to reflect, we must all internalize what is happening.
I remember that steemchurch has a great mission and "the crusade for freedom" its creator has been specific with an extraordinary vision and has remained under the will of God to extend his kingdom on this earth.
I firmly believe in God's purposes and his plan with steemchurch! We will achieve victory by the hand of God.
powerful message @ricci01, I think nobody can stop the hand of God and ask what you do? We know that our struggle is not against flesh or blood, but against principal powers and hosts of evil in the celestial regions, we are in a time of spiritual warfare and work because what God said nothing and no one can stop him.
Amen , appreciated @darlenys, thank you very much for commenting. DTB
Beautiful reflection We are the body of Christ and Satan cannot do anything unless we leave him. DTB
Amen @ennimariana, thank you very much for reading.
The enemy uses the weakest of the church to annoy, creating discords and divisions. We must value the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and remain united under the power of his love. Good post @ ricci01.
Amen @elpastor, thank you very much for reading.
Message of much reflection for the church, which should be considered for personal and spiritual growth. Blessings.
I appreciate your comment @carlis20, thank you very much for reading.
Hi. I congratulate you on your publication that contains a good message for all Christians who love unity. It is an alert against the tricks of the enemies.
greetings @johalys48, thank you very much for reading, Blessings
The only one who seeks to destroy the church is Satan, who uses people who receive criticism and murmurs. The power of the blood of Christ covers the church and protects it. Good post Bediciones @ ricci01.
Amen sister @gressy, people who are influenced by satan and their self-centeredness, thank you very much for reading, Blessings
The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy. Christ came to give life and give his reward to those who let themselves be used by the enemy.
Amen sister @kimbie09, but God will give us victory, thanks for reading, Blessings.
Just as Satan deceived Eve and Adam in the garden of Eden, he also seeks to deceive many believers to produce division in the Lord's church. We must learn to be believers with spiritual maturity and not fall into the enemy's game by wanting to destroy the church. Interesting post @ ricci01
Amen @mamidalia, thank you very much for your input, regards, DTB
Satan destroys, but Christ builds. I find your publication valuable. Let us not let the enemy sow his poison in the congregation. DTB
Amen @fany, very true satan destroys but God builds, many thanks for reading, Blessings.
Greetings @ ricci01. The message is clear and precise so as not to be fooled by the devil who intends to destroy the church. We are called to form the body of Christ and there is a need for unity and harmony in the church of the Lord. DTB
Greetings brother @jacobbendice, thank you very much for your input, Blessings.
Message full of reflections to consider and prevent division in the church of the Lord. Satan seeks to destroy the body of Christ. God is our protection and strength, we must be aware of the enemy's attacks, therefore, we must not give rise to our adversary.
Amen @merry01 , very true for which we must be alert, thank you very much for reading, Blessings.
GOD BLESS YOU. And I filled you with much more wisdom, I really liked this post