The weight of unity in Christians.

in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Greetings and blessings, health to the whole family of steemchurch!

My reflection today is based on one of the most complex and introverted questions that many people are asking today and even in the Christian people.

There is a question that many people ask themselves and it is the following: why if God advised and spoke so much about unity among his people, why it is almost impossible for Christians to walk in unity. And certainly this question we all ask ourselves, because until today we cannot see this yearning for the heart of God.


Let's look at some of the verses that argue this statement:

Romans 14:19
So let's try what contributes to peace and mutual edification.
An exhortation from Paul to voluntarily strive to seek peace as a virtue in the Christian people

Ephesians 4: 3
striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace

For example here we can interpret the words of the apostle Paul about the desire of God where he urges us to strive to preserve the unity of the spirit coupled with peace. It is clear that unity in the Christian people is a fruit of the spirit to live in stillness and participate in the Blessings of God. ”

We can also read in Philippians 2: 2
. Make my joy complete, being of the same feeling, keeping the same love, united in spirit, dedicated to the same purpose.

The apostle Paul was one of the men of God who was more interested in preaching unity among believers, because he himself lived and felt what it was like to live in disunity and even suffered penalties because of disunity in the Christian churches.
Jesus, like Paul, knew that unity was essential in the Christian community in order to experience the enjoyment of the
holy spirit.

An example of this can be seen in the book of events Acts 2 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
2 When Pentecost came, they were all unanimous together.
2 And suddenly a roar came from heaven like a strong wind blowing, which filled the whole house where they were sitting.

When there is unity anything can happen in the people of God, here it is shown that there is power in unity, there is liberation there is fullness of the holy spirit and there are extraordinary things that God can do in a people united in the same love and in the same spirit.



Well the word says it, a divided house cannot prosper.


Unity pleases God, however, this aspect is not well understood by some Christians who, instead of walking in the Spirit, walk in the flesh. DTB

Amen @carlis20, thank you very much for reading, DTB.

The Lord Jesus prayed for Christians to be one in him and in the Father. Unity is important, there God manifests. The true believer loves unity. Blessings @ ricci01.

Amen sister @ennimariana, thank you very much for reading, DTB.

Greetings @ ricci01. The emergence of new denominations has greatly fragmented the body of Christ. Those of us who love unity must prevail in this glorious dream of the Lord, because in heaven there will be only one church. Blessings

Amen @elpastor, thank you very much for your input. Only unity will prevail, Blessings

Interesting publications Blessings @ ricci01. God help us to continually seek unity, first where we congregate and then with the churches of the regions.

Amen sister @gressy, thank you very much for reading and commenting, DTB.

Valuable publication Unity is the perfect bond of love. It is our duty to remain united, leaving differences aside. DTB

Amen sister @kimbi09, only unity will triumph, thank you very much for reading...

I think this reflection is important. Christ always seeks that his body, which is the church, remain united. In the unity of the church, says the psalmist, God sends blessings and eternal life. Regards ricci01.

Amen brother @jacobbendice, thank you very much for reading and commenting, Blessings.

The Holy Spirit leads us to true unity among the churches, there are many divisions and selfishness. Good DTB message

Amen sister @johalys48, thank you very much for reading, DTB.

Excellent @ricci01, I think this is something very true, and that it has been difficult for the people of God to achieve, ´´the true unity´´.

Amen sister @xioran very true, but we must persevere until we find unity. DTB

Excellent @ricci01, unity leads to inner peace and enjoy the blessings of God.