What is not inner healing?
Inner Healing is not remembering and opening all our past or our sins. It has nothing to do with the psychology of the world. It is confessing and being healed of past injuries.

Jesus paid in full The work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary offers much more than the forgiveness of sins; also, it offers the full payment of the integral being: spirit, soul and body. If there are believers who still do not walk in complete freedom, it is because they have not appropriated the complete work of our Lord. Let's see what 2 Corinthians 5.17 tells us. "So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things happened; behold, all are made new. "
People believe that once they receive Christ, all problems are over and everything is made new. The question is: in what part of your total being was everything made new? It was in the spirit; the soul and the body remain the same.
After you received Jesus, have you had the same bad thoughts as before? Has he been angry? Have you sinned against God? Of course. But the Holy Spirit begins to heal him of wounds of the past, through the word of God. In this process, it is It is important to differentiate between the sins that have caused the hurts of the past and the sins after knowing Christ for effective inner healing. The word of God tells us that Jesus paid to free our total being: spirit, soul and body. Remember that He freed you from original sin. Christ, being the second Adam, made it a reality. The blood of Jesus Christ is effective and powerful in cleansing the sins committed daily.
The inner healing is to heal the traumas of the past, and the present has to live without sin because without holiness no one will see the Lord. Paul realized that evil was inside him, but that has nothing to do with inner healing.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and sight to the blind, to set at liberty the
oppressed ». Luke 4.18
The word to break means: to break, to violently separate the parts of a whole; in the case of a heart, it is one that a heart that is broken by wounds. Jesus came into the world to take every piece of his heart and everything in his life that is broken to put it together and heal every wound, rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness, guilt and whatever is affecting his life in a negative way.
Why do believers need inner healing?
There are many believers who have been born again, will go to heaven, are children of God and the Holy Spirit lives in them. However, they remain tied to the past and to the wounds received; they are still tied to vices and are victims of depression, letting themselves be dominated by feelings of rejection, inferiority complexes, sexual ties, fears, insecurities, and also, they carry generational curses; for that reason, they need to receive inner healing and liberation.
Thanks for sharing.