LIE OF SATAN: "God is not with you. You have offended him to the point of driving him away. "

in #sc-v6 years ago

Satan whispers: "God still loves you, but he is no longer with you. There is something invisible and unknown in you. The blessing and favor of God no longer accompany you. "
The devil will hit him with the Word of God put out of context. He will say: "Did not God forsake the people of Israel when they sinned? God turned away from Israel and forsaken him. The The dryness you have now and your daily struggles are clear proof that God is not with you. The Holy Spirit has left you! "


That was the lie that the devil sowed in Gideon's mind. Israel had been handed over to the Midianites and had suffered great cruelty under its yoke. Then God sent an angel who said to Gideon, "The LORD is with you, you valiant and valiant man" (Judges 6:12).
Gideon looked around; Then he heard the devil's lie, and said: "If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonders, that Our fathers have told us, saying, Did not Jehovah bring us out of Egypt? And now Jehovah has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hand of the Midianites "(Judges 6:13).
It is true that God gave them to the Midianites; but only to discipline them. He never abandoned his beloved people, and now he will never abandon his Church. He will allow us to be disciplined by the enemy, but when his discipline is complete, he will say: "Leave them now! That town is mine. "
Today we have this word: "He said: I will not forsake you, nor will I leave you; so that we can confidently say: The Lord is my helper; I will not fear what man can do to me "(Hebrews 13: 5-6). "Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). Jesus will never leave us, he will not forsake us. God is always with us.
If we have been looking for the Lord, He is with us no matter what lies we hear, or how we feel, or what our circumstances are. We need to face face to face with the devil in front of all the demons of hell, and tell them:
"I do not care what they say about how I feel. God is with me! If God is in my favor, who can be against me? "(See Romans 8:31).


If Satan gets you to believe a lie, he can begin to work in your life to lead you to sin. That is why it attacks the mind, and that is why we must protect our mind from the attacks of the evil one.@susdanalara, Satan is a father of lies and has always wanted to disturb your mind. Why is Satan interested in attacking your mind? Because the mind you have is the part of the image of God through which He communicates with you, revealing His will to you. It is regrettable that some Christians have played down the role of the mind, because the Bible emphasizes its importance.