in #sc-v5 years ago

Luke 17. 20-21 Some Pharisees asked Jesus: When will God begin to reign here? Jesus replied: The kingdom of God is not something that can be seen. Nor can one say: "Here it is!" Or "There it is!" Because the kingdom of God is already among you.


With the coming of Jesus the future era invaded the present era.

Hebrews 6.5 Those who have liked the powers of the age to come.

It was with this understanding that John the Baptist and Jesus announced:

Matthew 3: 2 Repent because the Kingdom of heaven has come near

Matthew 12:28 The Kingdom is among you

It is heaven invading the earth and conquering the usurped by the devil. When Jesus said that the Kingdom had come, he was saying that eternity had invaded this present age that is under the prince of this century: Satan. For a time, God He has allowed Satan to afflict the world so that God's judgment and mercy can be manifested.
Now, Jesus is the invader sent by God to break the forces of Satan.
Where the Kingdom is present, heaven, Grace and the Power of God are present.
Because the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power 1 Corinthians 4:20
Our weapons are spiritual and powerful in God.
It is the Kingdom that is present in our daily lives and expels darkness.
When the right conditions exist, heaven becomes present on earth. We have to prepare a place, we have to make room for its Presence.
Heaven opens and the Kingdom of God becomes present.
God's desire to dwell on earth with men is fulfilled.


Expand this content on the blog: the Kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God is like leaven: it expands and rises.

Daniel 2: 44-45. During the rule of these kings, the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed or dominated by any other nation, but will completely end all other kingdoms, and will last forever. That is what the stone that Your Majesty saw detach from the mountain without anyone pushing it; stone that turned iron, bronze, mud, silver and gold into dust. The great God has revealed to Your Majesty what will happen in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation, true.

Isaiah 9: 7 The expanse of his empire and peace will have no limit, on David's throne and on his kingdom, arranging and confirming it in judgment and in justice from now and forever. Jehovah's zeal for armies will do this.

When the Kingdom of God fills the whole earth we will see a full expression of Jesus Christ that will manifest through the Body of Christ.

Revelation 11:15 The kingdoms of this world have become kingdoms of our Lord. We, the Body of Christ, connect the throne and the dais. Acts 7:49...


@susanalara, certainly the Kingdom is among you and wherever the Kingdom is present, there will also be heaven, Grace and the Power of God.
Thanks for sharing