The characteristic that predominates in the people at the present time is the eagerness, the anxiety, the materialism, the worry, all this leads them to the stress, pressure and nervous tension. Many of them today live dejected of their soul, they have an afflicted mind, a desperate heart and a fluctuating will. Faced with all this, it is necessary to know the way for the rest of the soul.

Let's examine the following aspects that lead us to peace of the soul.
- THE PRAISE TO GOD. (v. 25-27)
1.1. Jesus is the perfect model of someone who praises the Heavenly Father (v. 25)
1.2. Praise brings joy and peace to the heart.
1.3. Praise helps the soul's relief.
1.4. If we want to have a soul at rest and peace, praise is the key. What else is needed to have rest from the soul?
2.1. We have access to Jesus in a broad and free way. (Hebrews 10: 19-21)
2.2. We can approach without limits or stumbles. (v. 22)
2.2.1 With sincere heart.
2.2.2 With faith.
2.2.3 Clean by the blood of the Lamb.
2.3. The apostle Peter says that the satanic place is overcome when we cast all our anxiety on the Lord. (1 Peter 5: 7)
2.4. The psalmist advises us to lay our burden on the Lord and he will sustain us. (Psalm 55:22) What else to do to have rest from the soul?
3.1. The yoke is an instrument of union. (Explain its use in oxen)
3.2. Union with Jesus allows us to learn from him. (v. 29)
3.2.1. Your meekness.
3.2.2. His humility.
3.3. The union with the Lord Jesus allows us to rest and rest in his love.
3.4. Jesus said: "Separated from me you can do nothing" (John 15: 5)
Do you want to find rest for your soul?
- Praise the Lord at all times.
- Bring your burdens to the Lord, and
- Persevere in being united to the Lord.
If you do this, you will find rest for your whole soul.
Where can we find true peace? The Bible indicates that it comes from our Creator, who calls it "the God who gives peace". It also shows that very soon we will all enjoy "abundance of peace" when the Kingdom of God rules the Earth. It will not be an ephemeral peace, as the world gives our peace is true and lasting and does not depend on our condition.
Thanks for sharing @susanalara.