Since the foundation of the universe God our creator has always cared for man, he created us in the image and likeness of Him so that we could have wisdom and reasoning of good and evil but as we know man disobeyed God in the garden of Eden later that God ordered what they should not do and for that reason we were removed from the glory of God.
and as we know we had no entrance to his kingdom or the right to have a relationship with him but since his mercy and love is much greater, he sought a plan to save us from that condemnation and was to deliver his only son to pay for our sins and so pay off our debt but the question does not remain there, because man must recognize Jesus as his savior in order to have access to the kingdom of God and continue the relationship with God from father to son.
The love of God is so great and unique for mankind and his love never changes that although we remain unfaithful, God remains faithful and forgives us of any situation or of any sin if we repent heartily.
We can read the following in the book of malachies:
Malachi 3: 6
6 For I am the Lord, I do not change; Therefore, sons of Jacob, you have not been consumed.
Our actions really offend God and in spite of that He is willing to forgive us save us and restore us from sin that is why the prophet tells us that his mercy is so great that for that reason we have not been consumed and erased from the face of the earth
The behavior of man is not the most appropriate before God, because they have poisoned his heart and have been guided by his own reasoning by rebelling in all the things said by Him.
In this way it is reasonable to think that man must turn to repentant God in order to reach the mercy and grace of his creator in order to access his altar again and maintain his relationship with his father.
If God were like any of us we would no longer exist because we really do not deserve his mercy or grace but He is faithful and keeps his word forever.
@ ricci01.Very true @xioran, the mercy of God is so great as is his love that we have not perished since his love goes beyond our rebellions and our sins and He forgives us when we come to Him seeking his help.