¿How can a believer who is not a minister ordained by the church feed the flock of Jesus?
Perhaps we are thinking that the words that Jesus addressed to Peter only have to do with those who are dedicated to full-time ministry. But that does not necessarily have to be the case. There are many ministerial spheres in which the Lord's flock can be grazed in different ways. Some of those who do not have a position at the ministerial level may be able to serve in some of the tasks mentioned below:
1.- Father and mother. The responsibility of caring, teaching and guiding the children is a task that God has entrusted to the parents as part of their service in the church. Parents should never give these responsibilities to the church or the school. Only in the bosom of the family is the atmosphere generated and the appropriate climate given to develop the ideal Christian life.
2.- Teachers. Many see the Sunday school teacher as an assistant pastor, responsible for teaching the word of God.
A teacher shepherds the children, young people, or adults of his class through his example, his fidelity and love, and above all, with a biblical teaching saturated with the power of the Holy Spirit.
3.- Members of the choir. Singing is a ministry that can serve as a means of feeding the Lord's flock. An example of this is the effect that singing produces in support of the ministry of preaching, elevating the spirit, orienting the mind, and preparing the hearts for the sermon.
4.- Members of the church. Living a consistent Christian life and showing sincere love for others is a way of ministering to the Lord's flock.
The church is built with practical facts of kindness.
5.- Other responsibilities. The love of Jesus is an indispensable requirement to serve in the kingdom of God. Of course, because feeding the lambs and helping the fatigued and fainting sheep is a task that can only be done when the heart is full of compassion and motivated by a genuine love.
Thanks for sharing.