Cheers, thanks for the feedback.
I think it might be wise to make a short list of coins you've researched and believe in. Can't really go wrong with Bitcoin...just incredible how resilient it has been over the last few months.
Cheers, thanks for the feedback.
I think it might be wise to make a short list of coins you've researched and believe in. Can't really go wrong with Bitcoin...just incredible how resilient it has been over the last few months.
I was very close to buying bitcoin when it was $US0.003. After that I became skeptical of it.
Then one day last year I saw the chart when it was at $1,800. From there I had a premonition. I shared the chart with my friend and told him that this was going north in a very big way, and would not stop.
Some are even predicting $1 million. Time will tell I guess.
As for Verge Currency, I have researched it, and it looks very undervalued to me. The team behind this are capable and committed.