Additionally, you can use AdBlock Plus - it allows a user to add a filter to block known hijackers. You must manually add known crypto-hijackers to AdBlock Plus. To do this:
Go to your list of extensions, or click on the Adblock Plus stop sign.
Find Adblock Plus and click on Options.
Click the Add your own filters tab at the top. In the text field that appears, enter:
Click +Add Filter
That is only one crypto-jacker, a full list can be found on here on GitHub:
Alternatively, you can simply block Javascript from running, using privacy controls in your browser.
You can also pull up your Activity Monitor or Task Manager and check your CPU usage. If there is a process that is consuming a lot of resources, simply "End Process" to terminate the culprit.
I feel safer now. Still wish there was an app for that, though. :)
Not very effective though. This finds it if the site loads this Coinhive script from the source only. Won't catch it if the script is renamed, or stored locally, or they use another (not Coinhive)
I was curious, so I did some research. Turns out there are a few ways you can protect yourself against crypto-jacking:
You can use AdGuard - it scans a site to see if CoinHive is running on it - an article from their site:
Additionally, you can use AdBlock Plus - it allows a user to add a filter to block known hijackers. You must manually add known crypto-hijackers to AdBlock Plus. To do this:
That is only one crypto-jacker, a full list can be found on here on GitHub:
Alternatively, you can simply block Javascript from running, using privacy controls in your browser.
You can also pull up your Activity Monitor or Task Manager and check your CPU usage. If there is a process that is consuming a lot of resources, simply "End Process" to terminate the culprit.
I feel safer now. Still wish there was an app for that, though. :)
That's fantastic! Thank you from me and for all who benefit! :-)
Not very effective though. This finds it if the site loads this Coinhive script from the source only. Won't catch it if the script is renamed, or stored locally, or they use another (not Coinhive)