
I'm down voting comments that are pure fud. If you want to discuss fact I am all for it

Get over yourself and actually debate instead of pour gasoline, you aren't contributing.

I normally read and I go away.
By 100% down flagged , make me come back.
I have another pages that I do my checking list.
I don't like the down flagging, obviously you have mess with the wrong person.
I have read yours comment for mark but who cares.
We can go this for as long , like I said I have the time.
No matter, how you want to explain , the harm already done.
Firstly, I was about to log off, then Mark flagged me, make me curious.
Then you came along.
Well, I said too bad!!!
Gasoline or not. You guys have mess this up upon yourselves

great Michael, we're both in the USA, when you have time there are a few messages for you

So in your quest to try to prove how reasonable you are in your comments you make threats to me and against me? Tell me I'm rested messing with the wrong person? What are you implying? I will continue to download any comment that you make that attacks or flat out says things that are untrue based on your personal bias. Because it doesn't bring any thing to this community whatsoever. If you want to have a debate on actual facts and questions or anything else then no downloads needed. It's pretty simple really.

Acting childish now.