I have an advice for you concerning this post. I will appreciates if you could share more light on this topic in another post so that people in this community and whoever is reading it will understand what you means by ''AIOS ICO is a scam''. Not so many people understand what you mean, the use of this terminology looks new to some of them. You will be helping someone not to fall into hands of scammers, which is part of the things that the inventors of this platform want to achieve and you are really helping with it.
@stellabelle. Thank you for always saying the truth. I wish we have more people like you on this platform and the world at large, who can be as real as you. Steemit is all about helping people to be real and full of integrity and not to be a scam. I will support prefer to lose one big money on the basis of lying than to loose my integrity. Integrity is everything to me.
Thank you once again and keep doing all you can to help the world.
This world is becoming a better place with people like you and I. One love and God bless.
Always your fan @optimistdehinde.