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RE: The Scam Artists and Blackmailers Are Killing The Steemit Baby, Softly, Slowly......What We All Can Do

in #scam9 years ago (edited)

Scammers will always find a market for scamming whatever is popular. Whales are free to do what they want, and while I agree with your assessment somewhat, I cannot condemn the whales for their free choice to vote for what pleases them. Most of them are men, after all. They are men who, I think wanted to make the male/female ratio more balanced. When I joined, it was a sausage party. It felt like I was in a group of 10 women vs. 11,000 men. The first early adopters were from the crypto world which is like 99% male. They rightfully saw that there's was a serious void in female membership. Sexuality unfortunately cannot be separated from our human experience. We're still sort of apes in a lot ways, much to the chagrin of many. I'm an ape too in some respects.
The whales were the ones who risked everything to make the steemit dream a reality. They cannot be faulted actually for being human and having human responses, even when I may personally disagree with their decision to upvote certain posts over others.


Scammers will always be a scammer and their very good at it but not enough because you just nailed them 😀

or they could be like hairpieces... you only notice the bad ones