Are kalinart and treesha face the same person
I am surprised how many spend time commenting upvoting their own content to gain steam while downvoiting others
Its all been done before
Are kalinart and treesha face the same person
I am surprised how many spend time commenting upvoting their own content to gain steam while downvoiting others
Its all been done before
Provide some evidence please.
You present slander, and a link. It does not seem very serious.
Also, some people have discussed multiple accounts openly, so it seems unclear what the rules are.
There is a general sentiment against,but not a rule, as I´m aware of.
I myself am against multiple accounts, (and only have one) but first, let´s clarify what the rules are.
Yeah.. We look so alike! LOL

He's just a troll. @treeshaface is my brothers girlfriend. I have one other account, But I don't even use it
I hate copes...