"The number one thing which struck me was the large number of entries from Nigeria. Is Nigeria the scam capital of the world? Several people writing from Nigeria told me that scamming is very common in Nigeria"
Well,what do you expect from a country where the leaders are vision less, all they know is how to fatten their pouch, everyone is struggling to get food on his table and this led people to be developing different schemes to achieve this. Nigerian are good people, but our leaders are the cause of most of this problems that led into scamming acts.... Thank you for the opportunity to partake in this challenge, I have learnt so much as a person as well.
Many people said that the leaders of Nigeria are corrupt. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Of cause they should,but not all can endure what the leaders are subjecting us to face on daily bases. Most of the scammers are good, smart,intelligent people we should help nurture their talents, so that they can use it profitably for themselves and for Nigeria, but who cares.
I love Nigeria. Any way, that's where I am from... Smile
But the fact remains that, if ten people were subjected to the same pain or other rigorous activities , we will react differently.
It would be my pleasure if you can have the time to read about Nigeria.
Though, I am not interested in reading such news again because it is becoming comedy.
Have you ever heard of snake swallowing money, it happened in Nigeria, our leaders said snake swallowed 38million naira which is enough to change the life of many Nigerian
Have you heard of rats or rodents preventing president of a nation from entering office? It happened in Nigeria, our president was presented from entering his office for close to two weeks and as a result, nothing was done to better the state of the country
Have you ever heard of government owing her staffs for sixteen to twenty- four months and they dear not stop going to work if they don't want to loose the job? It happened in Nigeria, many workers that have families to cater for were owned by the government more than a year salary and this people have wives, children and old parents to care for.
Have you ever heard of a place where terrorist would go to a school and go away with well over 250 students at a time and our government can't do anything to rescue those children for more than 3 years now. If you haven't, it happened in Nigeria
have you heard of a nation who is not making use of the strength and wisdom of her youths? It is happening live and direct in Nigeria, we have millions unemployed youth waisted around while doing absolutely nothing to improve Nigeria or themselves
Have you ever heard of a nation so blessed by God or nature than Nigeria. We lack no natural resources, yet we suffer as if we don't have any. Let's take gasoline for example, Nigeria is one of the world leader exporter of petroleum, yet we buy at a very high price, as if that is not enough. People would have to sleep over in feeling station for them to be able to buy it even with that high price
Have you heard of a place that has everything to supply power to her people and we still experience power failure, most area don't have power for 3 hours in a day, some don't even have for years.
People that are putting the blame on the government definitely have points, but like I always tell people, government is not the only problem we have, some of us are the problems of ourselves. We have people that are naturally lazy,even if the government should provide the job and other necessities, they would end up not taking the advantage.
Dear @swissclive, if I should continue with the issue of Nigeria, I can come out with several posts and I won't exhaust the points, but let me just stop here, because that's more than enough already. Thank you very much for the feedback,it is an honor getting such from you.
I knew about a small number of these things. There is so much to change in Nigeria. I do hope that the people in power will see the need to save the country rather than just line their pockets. I am astonished about the rats!
I pray things change on time, people are really suffering in Nigeria, I'm doing the little I can to ensure I help my fellow Nigerian meeting some basic needs because both the government and the system has failed us, we should not fail ourselves,if you are a Nigerian reading this, please let's join this campaign,play your own role in ensuring people are living at comfort. With the state of things in Nigeria, they supposed not to be charging anyone to court for any crime committed because they are the one training people to become one. I pray we get a better change we all desired. Thank so much.