This is insane
How do people not do research? Someone spent thousands on these thinking they got bitcoins for $3000 each at a discount because the person selling had a story about needing cash quick. So pathetic. I’m gonna ask if I can post there whole story from Facebook but I wanted in meantime to show you all what someone spent $15,000 usd on......
This is not a joke! I know who the person is. I’m not friends with them but they know people I know and i got a call from our mutual friend asking me advice for them
nice coins tho lol
They are
But not $3000 nice’.
$1.99 a piece at Jmbullion
3 genius's in Canada went into a bitcoin exchange with guns and tried to steal the bitcoin.
Thanks for the helpful post. It's really bad. Scams effect so much on life. I did lose so much time and money on scam sites.
They are freaking out
Calling a lawyer
They don’t get it yet that there is no way to get the money back. People who don’t understand crypto should not buy online from people.