Making sure an area is safe before drilling or excavating is crucial for a wide range of projects. Scan2Core offers scanning and imaging services to help clients spot pipes, power lines, utilities, and other hazards. Allowing projects to proceed safely and on schedule.
Seattle, Washington / January 28, 2024
Having a drill or excavator hit a hazard can lead to delays, increased costs, and unnecessary headaches. And these are all problems that Scan2Core helps its clients avoid.
Scan2Core specializes in non-destructive imaging and scanning services. They can fill the gap when blueprints and city maps don’t exist or aren’t precise enough for the needs of a given project. Their team uses advanced tools to find and identify everything from pipes hidden in concrete to utility lines buried underground and more.
One of the main tools used by the company to spot these potential hazards is Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). GPR can be used to safely detect what is inside concrete structures without damaging them, which allows construction crews to work on walls, support beams, and concrete foundations without having to guess where certain elements may be.
GPR is an advanced imaging technology that is known for being safer and less invasive than traditional concrete X-ray methods.
It provides real-time information on the location of objects embedded within the concrete within half an inch of precision.
Scan2Core is a family-owned company. Their team of expert technicians is available 24/7, ready to assist clients with everything from small home renovations to large commercial projects. And they can help clients with more than just concrete.
Another important service they provide is utility location. While local and city maps often outline the location of certain utilities, the precision and availability of those maps are often shoddy. Scan2Core’s utility location services use a variety of methods to help locate exactly where utilities are located in a property.
Pipes and cables can be located using electromagnetic equipment, while plastic and concrete structures can be located with the help of radiolocation and GPR. The resulting information is precise enough to allow construction to occur safely without hitting critical structures underground.
Scan2Core’s team of trained professionals can conduct their work without needing to shut down the job site, eliminating the need for costly interruptions and delays.
If the job was interrupted because a drill or excavator hit a potential hazard, Scan2Core also offers emergency scanning services. This allows them to get on the site ASAP to help identify the problem, help assess the damage, and prevent further delays. GPR offers real-time imaging data, meaning the information is ready to be monitored and used right away.
On top of their scanning and imaging services, Scan2Core also offers no-vibration drilling and coring services. Which can be used to drill and collect samples from sensitive areas with minimal damage to the structures surrounding it.
For more on Scan2Core, their team, and their work delivering GPR imaging in Seattle WA, visit the company’s official website.
Scan2Core, Inc
[email protected]
31811 PACIFIC HWY South
STE B #345 Federal Way
WA 98003