We all want ways to make life a little bit easier, a little bit better and I believe that's why we all love a good tip!
So with that said....
Random Quick Tips!
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Let's look at things glass half full!
Writing Quick Tip
For those of us that create content regularly, there are days when you just have nothing. Writer's block like a mofo!
In those moments I remember the best writing tip I ever heard (and constantly mention)...
- Write two bad pages a day
Yes, I want you to write two pages of utter crap each day when you are struggling to write. Why, you ask?
Because within those two pages there will always be one sentence or one idea that is gold and you can expand into a story or a post.
It really does work, I do it all the time!

Investing Tip
Give yourself a chance to make big money, but do it in a smart conservative way.
- 10% of your investment portfolio should go toward speculative plays
If you are going to speculate with a small portion of your portfolio, make it worth while! Invest in something that has potential of big returns. This is your "gamble" allocation so play to win!

Life Tip
Perspective has alot to do with your level of happiness in life, so.....
- Be Grateful
Seriously, be grateful for what you have and appreciate it. This will help bring you joy!
Nearly everyday I sit down, take a bunch of deep breathes and then write out gratitudes. It can be anything big or small from the sun shining outside to the steemit post you had that went viral (or is that wishful thinking?)
Either way, by expressing what you are grateful for you end up appreciating what you have and what you have accomplished. This brings joy and a sense of peace.
I know it has for me!
Those are the Random Quick Tips For This Post!
Here's to becoming better and better with each passing day!
Best Regards,
Disclaimer - all content in this post is my opinion and what works for me. It is for informational purposes only, you are a grown adult make your own choices :-)
@scaredycatguide I like the idea of finding some gold in the crap that we write. Two wrongs don't make a right, but two complete thoughts can be the start of a really profound statement.
Great post!
Thanks, I like this statement alot:
"two complete thoughts can be the start of a really profound statement"
I don't know about other peoples writing process but I always just sit down and vomit all over the page to begin with. Then I go back and edit down what i've written, removing or rewriting a majority of it.
I can never just sit down and write a piece our perfectly from the beginning. I think editting is more important than writing the first draft, as the first draft is almost always rubbish. It'll have a few gems in there but it's mainly to help explore ideas which will help produce good writing later
Yes, exactly, It's a way to remember to stop putting pressure on yourself...just let words flow and find the gems after.
Well said!! "Editing is more important than writing" that's Gold folks!!
That's great! I just posted something about appreciation and abundance walking hand in hand. I also agree with the writing part, have to try your advice on that. Usually, I just post the crap that I write.lol
Haha....well, if the crap gets votes then maybe it's not crap? ;-)
I guess you are right.:)
Every time I sit down to write I remind myself, two crappy post, just two crappy post! Thanks for the advise, it helps.
I like the writing tips! Lol that's definitely something that has gotten me out of a writers block in the past. Just right it, spit it all out. And then be done with it, and write some great things again, haha. Thanks for sharing this :)
Yup, sometimes you just need to spew nonsense to get back to the good!
hello follow me and upvote i back
Great tips