So many layers of scarring that takes place from such a childhood--oh, I cannot fathom an incident such as this on top of all of your daddy's daily dirty deeds. You truly are working toward addressing the scars in/on your head--a major feat in and of itself. You're not only a survivor, you are creating yourself a life of thrival. Healing is happening! Glad you're at the Garden of Eden, offering up the spunky and feisty life in service to humanity while healing your heart.
Great entry!!! Winning this contest could be just one more great way to alchemize the trauma into something of benefit--showing others it is possible to forgive, overcome, heal and thrive!
It's like turning lemons in to lemonade. Every day at the Garden of Eden I have opportunity to get used to being loved in a healthy way, reprogramming my dysfunctional need for trauma to feel safe. What an amazing journey! Super grateful to you and Quinn for holding the standard.