I am studying medicine in the second year at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest. Last year I learned a lot because I wanted to have merit scholarship.
Merit scholarships are awarded to the top 10 students and I was the eighth student.
When I saw the list I was very excited. I called my mom, my father and all my friends. My boyfriend was with me when I found and he hugged me a lot and congrats me.
I will receive money monthly on my card for one year. The merit scholarship is 900 lei, it means around $ 250. It’a all I need because I can pay my rent and all the other expenses.
I want to have scolarship in the next year too, so I will learn a lot to be the best!
Wish you the best
Congratulations on your scholarship! You must be working hard to be eighth student. Good job!
i nned money