As we try to understand why, why oh why
With these faces so young and sweet
They have no more time for any more dreams
No more birthdays, no more Christmas morning cheers
No more growing up, no more innovation, no more fears.
As the bullets ripped past them, through them, now it is all just still.
As we try to understand why, why oh why
With their faces so young and sweet

Their body's strewn about now these 17 sleep
The desks and books will be needed no more
As their broken and bloody body's lay on the floor
We try to understand why, why, oh why.
The madness continues for the ones that survived.
They are accused of being to young to understand

But look at their faces and deep in their eyes.
They know so much, more than many of of us can even dream
They understand that they are the change
They will be the voices of those 17
They will be the ones than demand more,
No one can silence their cries.
As we try to understand why, why, oh why.
Where was the help as the red flags were waved
39 times before this fateful day.
How many just sat back and let this all play out.
Will these 17 haunt their dreams?
As we try to understand why, why, oh why
With their faces so young and sweet
How many more must lay down their life's and die?
As we try to understand why, why, oh why.

Sources for pictures : https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/15/us/florida-shooting-victims-school/index.html
So sad. Godspeed to all of these souls taken so senselessly.
Yes and my hope is for the youth that survived to help us be the change our country so desperately need ... But I know this has to stop.
nice poem.
Thank you is that better with the format changes ?
Yes, looks better, flows better :)
thanks for your help
and advice
thank you for this beautiful memorium <3
bless ever one of our souls
and may these sweet chidren rest in Peace & Love
Thank you for your kind words. But I am not sure any of them will rest until our country does something to change the gun laws in America. I will do my part to help make that happen. I hope others will do the same. Maybe some good can come out of this horrific event.
Very moving post. The photos make them so real. Sometimes it will drive you to insanity to figure out why. I hope you didn't know any of them personally.
I did not but I think all of America has adopted them. It just flowed out of me. I had no choice but to write it.