How would be a perfect school?!

in #school7 years ago


Most of us went to public schools, some of us used to hate it, others face it just as their daily routine and "part of the cycle of life". But, how many of us really enjoyed totally going to school, or felt that what was thought there would fully prepare us to the so-called "real world" out there, or better saying, to the wacky world of "grownups?"!...

While I was in school, (during the 80's and 90's era in Portugal), maybe I faced about two or three supposed "new educational reforms", the focus point of those was (so they said) to make school easier and more accessible for all children, facilitating the passage between grades... the problem of this reforms was that it did not fix the real problem, the subjects taught in school itself. On the contrary, it blocked the access of too many to Universities.

(Hasting teachers to give subjects is a fast forward mode and making kids not to flunk even if they had bad grades.)


Since then, many other reforms were made in an attempt making things better, but why after so many years of trying to improve the school, the main subjects of it, all over the world, continues to be exactly the same? a decade after decade, then one century is gone and another one, with few real adjustments to the real society that surrounds us!
And better saying preparing children for a life of fulfillment and richness?!

Why do public schools look more like a "formatting brain machine"? Creating the same line of thinking, over and over again, aim to generate "factory workers" and not of "free thinkers" and possible the great leaders of tomorrow?!


What subjects should be part of the school curriculum?!

Let's not be too radical to the point to say that we should erase all actual subjects taught nowadays in schools, because all of it has their importance in our education, History, Math’s, languages and others are so important. Let's not forget about Musical and Art formation as well, sometimes so sacrificed and seen as hobbies, when they are deeply important to construct the criativity and imagination in the individual persona.

All those train us academically, giving us our foundations, but how about LIFE itself?! What more could be added, so our children could thrive in this modern society?! Bellow, is some examples that personally I find very important.

Nutrition and Growing food.

As living creatures, one of our first’s main concerns is obviously food, and how to survive in times of scarcity. So, why is not food education part of all children’s manuals?! Anywhere in the world! Not only how to eat healthily, but as well how to cultivate vegetables and cereals, the base of the human nutrition.

Emotional intelligence, or the ability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others!

What would be life without emotions?! Emotion is everywhere we go, but how many of us can truly express it and connect with the emotions of others?! How many great projects collapsed already because the members of the team could not control their anger or know when to praise each other at the right time?! Emotional education could make for society a lot if given a chance to reach the tables of our schools. Teaching kids how to interact with their classmates.


We could say that happiness is the goal of all Humans, no matter where you are from. Happiness, is in the center of our focus, obviously, happiness is a subjective matter, what makes my day, may not be the highest achievement to you!
But to truly believe in you and in our goals can lead us to our personal Nirvana and thrive others to do so as well.
So to be able of focusing on being happy and positive (without losing the sense of reality, never) should be there in the classrooms.

Financial Education.

This is EXTREMELY important, some love it, some hate it, but Money, is part of our survival in this society, inseparable, does not matter what people say! But do we know how to manage money properly and how to take care of our financial assets?!... Unfortunately, the answer is, sadly, no, we don't! (at least not the majority of people that surround us does not!)
From a very young age we are encouraged to save money, but with no propose or goals, only with a promise of "we never know what can happen!" or "just in case of..." But, no one ever tells us how to manage and grow it and how to invest it. In the bottom line, most people tend to spend everything to the last penny in unnecessary stuff or worse of all in toxic assets that will drag them down sooner or later. So is not money management a very important subject to teach in schools?!

To "speak" and communicate!

What separates us from most creatures of the animal kingdom, is our ability to communicate, to speak, write and gesture, to express ourselves. To make our wishes and toughs known to others, using the various means of communication available to us.
To learn how to express our ideas clearly, and precisely, knowing how to defend them, or when to "give up on them", is extremely important to avoid misunderstandings and personal disappointments. It can be the difference of move forward to that dream carrier or to be left behind on the line.

Express Creativity.

Often forgotten in public schools is the "food for the soul"... the act of expressing yourself through arts, may those be in the form of painting and drawing, learning musical instruments and singing, writing or even by acting performance. Imagination is essential to geniality and original thinking, not everyone will become a Van Gogh or a Maria Callas, but all should have the chance to express themselves artistically, even if just for fun!


Would not be great if we all had the chance to study "outside the box"?! Many of us wish that for our children, even those that have yet no kids, wonder... what if they could have a chance of learning much more?! To be ready to the world out there!

Is not so surprising that more and more parents and legal guardians are choosing to homeschool or at least try to add to their kid's curriculum much more than just the "normal" subjects from the public educational system.

This article is mostly my own thoughts and views for sure it will differ from others. Thank you so much for your time reading it!