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RE: Is College A SCAM?

in #school8 years ago (edited)

it is deeper than that. 'Education' itself is a total utter failure!!!

I could give you many many examples why, but these two are very good examples:
Are you aware that there is a so-called 'war on drugs'? This war has been brought to be by people who have had top educations. Presidents, and leaders of other countries, and the ones who are in positions of power, and who support this whole sorry system push this war on drugs. And what does it do? Well one big thing is it of COURSE creates a criminal underworld where people who have been marginalized, yet tempted by materialistic possession, find themselves choosing either the humiliation of poverty or knowing they can earn thousands of pounds a day selling drugs. And along with this now has come about the most dangerous gangs who are getting guns, and using them. And an extreme case of this is in Mexico where there have been so many deaths caused by this 'war on drugs'.

Now, question: Are you telling me that people with very expensive education would not have worked out that this would happen?
Yes? No? Whatever the answer it shows that the education system is an absolute failure. That it would not give people common sense not to induce such horrendous realities.

ALSO, nuclear power stations are starting to decay and 'become' very very dangerous This is extremely serious for all life, because radiation is not friendly to DNA!

Question: How come 'highly educated' people would not have known this was going to come about and threaten the whole of life on planet Earth for generations to come?

Do you get exam question like this at college? I fkin BET you don't!!

FCK the 'education' system!!

And btw, the whole causing the youth to become debt-ridden is a deliberate ploy. They have previously done this to whole countries in order to get control over them. This has been documented in the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins.


Thanks for the suggestion! Will definitely be picking up this book.

Oh... And I agree lol. If college is so great, why is every industry in our country besides the tech industry miserably failing? And the tech industry is full of people who actually skipped college.