Life began to change when i learnt that i've been admitted to university, i began to see my self beyond my level, i started reasoning like am already a student of the university, improving and dropping somethings about me, i was fully prepared for it, i was happy to see my success after assuming "i won't make it anyway", but i did, i started buying books and clothes, i started watching my looks and improving them because i don't want to be an awkward guy when i gets there, because every other guy will be looking extremely cute and i don't wanna be the odd one, i figured out the best hairstyle for myself, improved my reasoning because i won't like anybody to see me as a child even though i was, i tried to update myself on social, political, sports, musical and historical affairs so that i won't be the quiet guy in a gist, discussion or argument, surfing the internet on daily basis just to get informations of affairs. I trained myself into waking up early even if i sleeps late, because i normally wake up late even if i sleeps early, i reduced the amount of food i take because i know i will be leaving home soon and i will have to manage my food well in school. I started working on my self on being social as an introvert i am, always saying hi to anybody i meet and putting on smiles, cracking jokes, being friendly and jovian.
All this i did and i was changed and better
I was excited about my admission but on the other hand i felt the pain of leaving home, my mom and dad, my siblings and my dearest little nephew. I was wondering what life would be without them, i thought of missing my mom who calls me a pet name "Obi'm" ( my heart), she would go hungry to make sure am fed well, she would sell her property just to provide my needs, what better life can i get without her. I thought of my dad who would flog me when i mess up and later buy akara for me, who would take me to boutique and but baggy clothes for me and force me to wear them even when i don't like them. I thought of missing my dearest senior brother who always want a wrestling match with me, he would claim to John Cena while i claim to be undertaker, until the day he nearly broke my neck he never stopped, he would take me to football play ground and teach me football skills. I thought of missing my sisters who would keep secrets with me and later leak it to mom and dad against me, each time they feel like punishing me they will fake a cry to mom and dad against me and of course they were always trusted. And lastly my little nephew who is learning to talk, he is so fond of me, he will always come around me and be singing "twinkle twinkle little star", he will be sounding funny but i understands him
The thought of leaving home for school got me broken with tears, i will miss the joy, happiness, fun, love, food and trouble, but then my mom told me " Obi would not always be a boy, its time to see the world beyond the way you do", she prayed for me, advised and encouraged me to "always shun what is wrong and do the right one, that way you would succeed".
It is now dawn to me that life is no longer the same, everything has changed, i've got to take care of everything myself, i've got to protect myself too from rascals, feeding myself was not an easy task, thinking of what to eat and getting them. I am the kind of person who would never enter the kitchen to light a stove, i suddenly started learning how to cook when i found out how much u spend buying cooked food. Attending lectures was another challenge, i would have to wake up early freshen up, eat and rush down to class so as to meet up before the arrival of the lecturer, most classes would be filled with unserious students who chats and make noise while lectures go on, following up in classes was uneasy for me but i will always try my best to stand out from the crowd who are not serious. With time i got used to life at school.
Being social was a major challenge to me, at first i never had any friend because i don't know how to make friends, so i got to repeat the method i used before, quicker than expected i got friends, making friends is hard for me but when i make them, with time we become common to each other, to an extent they will be wondering if it was me from the very begining, so to my friends i am an extrovert but to outsiders i am an introvert, i began to socialise with people with the help of the company of my friends.
I've been a catholic right from birth, but when i got to school, I stopped attending catholic, maybe because my church was far from me or I wanted to try something different; to see what the other churches looks like. So each sunday i attends a new church until i decided to join one, it was nice being a member because it was mostly students, I wanted to join the choir until i heard the pastor billing them very costly. He made sure every member of the church belongs to one department in the church who are also inclusive in the bill. I had to quit because am pretty sure its something i can't do. I moved to another church which was good enough but i had problem with their mode of dressing, it was too irresponsible for my liking. A girl with big ass would wear a light trouser and half-open her breast, each sunday, it is either am sitting next to one of them or one would be sitting right in front of me, of course i am a human being, i get seduced, my mind have gone somewhere else which is unacceptable, and if I look up to the altar i see a lady unproperly dressed preaching and telling me to shout alleluya. I quit. So i went back to catholic church.
the semester took five months, during the last few weeks exams commenced, exams period was harsh, food was uncompromised as i needed to study to pass my exams that won't be done on empty stomach, exams were had but the period was the most exciting because soon i would be going home. The day my papers finished i packed my bags and went home, it've been two weeks now in the holiday and second semester would resume soon, but i don't wanna think about that now, am still with my guitar
Thanks for reading and don't forget this ^^ do justice to the post and stay tuned
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