I took a hit yesterday posting that and I knew I would. As you can tell, I don't really care too much about how little power I have, if as a minnow I am willing to do that. I will stand up for what I believe to be true and fair.
whats more funny is that flags are just as good at raising your profile as votes :-)
However I don't agree with a many of your actions @berniesanders and would like that on record as much as you have republished my comment defending you yesterday...even if I do have to take a hit for it!
You @berniesanders, together with many others successfully removed well more than $1000 from his posts. That is wonderful and no matter how people see it, it benefits others in the long run.
Ever since the war begun, I've wished for a happy ending that benefits everyone... But, it turned out to be almost impossible. Now, when I see great news like this, my only wish is that it will continue in the same direction and that this wasn't a one-time thing... I wish for this, so we can lay down our swords at one point and strive towards a better environment for everyone.
My @asapers project was built upon the "pay-it-forward" mindset and attitude. I delegate all my own Steem Power to improve the overall experience on Steemit... For everyone. And I say everyone, because I know that everyone would benefit if we could change certain things on Steemit.
I have a total of 1.1K Steem Power. I am a total nobody in comparison to a bunch of people... And well more than 200 people have still been affected, in a positive way, all due to my delegations.
If a simple nobody like me, with a fraction of the Steem Power so many others have, can reach more than 200 people and do something positive for all of them... Just imagine the amazing things haejin could've done...
Imagine the things we could've done without draining our VP on flags and wars... Seriously. He earns more than my Steemit account is worth with 3-4 posts. And he has been doing that for a long period of time already... And he's mad due to the $1000 he lost?
He even accuse you for being the hacker... W T F?
Good job Bernie. I hope you're able to slay the kraken.
Wow, I am actually impressed everyone was able to get those massive rewards down to 0, it feels like the wind is blowing in an empty field for everyone to accumulate voting power for the next wave...if you guys are able to sustain this much deployment of flags to knock his rewards down to 0 consecutively for days/weeks I wonder what sort of upwards pressure it will cause on the price when we don't have ~$20,000 USD worth of steem being dumped on the markets
HAHA You get flagged from Haejin!!! That's what you get. You supported him for so long. Now you want to try to join Bernie!!! You are another PuddGriffin
I can see this going down in steemit history as the war that started all wars. I think a lot more of this is likely to happen considering how many people earning big, provide so little value to the community.
I'm pretty new to the platform, and only became aware a few weeks ago of the tense issues surrounding haejin or whales in general. I just try to not get caught up in them and get eaten alive by either side =D
I have a question(maybe a noob question) but on haejins page how come his rewards for curation/author don't show up? and his rank shows 25? I can see others when I go to their rewards
I took a hit yesterday posting that and I knew I would. As you can tell, I don't really care too much about how little power I have, if as a minnow I am willing to do that. I will stand up for what I believe to be true and fair.
whats more funny is that flags are just as good at raising your profile as votes :-)
However I don't agree with a many of your actions @berniesanders and would like that on record as much as you have republished my comment defending you yesterday...even if I do have to take a hit for it!
You @berniesanders, together with many others successfully removed well more than $1000 from his posts. That is wonderful and no matter how people see it, it benefits others in the long run.
Ever since the war begun, I've wished for a happy ending that benefits everyone... But, it turned out to be almost impossible. Now, when I see great news like this, my only wish is that it will continue in the same direction and that this wasn't a one-time thing... I wish for this, so we can lay down our swords at one point and strive towards a better environment for everyone.
My @asapers project was built upon the "pay-it-forward" mindset and attitude. I delegate all my own Steem Power to improve the overall experience on Steemit... For everyone. And I say everyone, because I know that everyone would benefit if we could change certain things on Steemit.
I have a total of 1.1K Steem Power. I am a total nobody in comparison to a bunch of people... And well more than 200 people have still been affected, in a positive way, all due to my delegations.
If a simple nobody like me, with a fraction of the Steem Power so many others have, can reach more than 200 people and do something positive for all of them... Just imagine the amazing things haejin could've done...
Imagine the things we could've done without draining our VP on flags and wars... Seriously. He earns more than my Steemit account is worth with 3-4 posts. And he has been doing that for a long period of time already... And he's mad due to the $1000 he lost?
He even accuse you for being the hacker... W T F?
Good job Bernie. I hope you're able to slay the kraken.
Wow, I am actually impressed everyone was able to get those massive rewards down to 0, it feels like the wind is blowing in an empty field for everyone to accumulate voting power for the next wave...if you guys are able to sustain this much deployment of flags to knock his rewards down to 0 consecutively for days/weeks I wonder what sort of upwards pressure it will cause on the price when we don't have ~$20,000 USD worth of steem being dumped on the markets
HAHA You get flagged from Haejin!!! That's what you get. You supported him for so long. Now you want to try to join Bernie!!! You are another PuddGriffin
Shit this is getting serious.
I can see this going down in steemit history as the war that started all wars. I think a lot more of this is likely to happen considering how many people earning big, provide so little value to the community.
No, the war started long before actually :))
I'm pretty new to the platform, and only became aware a few weeks ago of the tense issues surrounding haejin or whales in general. I just try to not get caught up in them and get eaten alive by either side =D
Don't worry mate, over the years steem has had numerous problems but the community has always banded together to come up with a solution.
This won't be the last flag war but it will certainly be the biggest.
that's pretty cool to know, thanks for the tips by the way..
Didn't expected that, I got really impressed, I have to admit, lost that bet that we never made :))
PS: how was that possible?
I had delegated SP returned to me AND many in the community stepped up to help out. You can see @haejin flagging them all now.
I will flag him all the way now. No more up votes just beautiful flags for our donkey...should be fun!
He is just trying to scare them, he would not use up his voting power on everybody and get nothing in return :))
Not skeered
This is how a war that never stopped starts again.
My mood right now:
Āmi yud'dhēra itihāsē yud'dhē yābāra āgē ē'i yud'dha śuru karatē pāri. Āmi manē kari ē'irakama āra'ō anēka ghaṭanā ghaṭabē yā kata baṛa mānuṣa upārjana karē tā bibēcanā karē, sampradāẏēra ēta kama mūlya pradāna karē. Āśā karā yāẏa nā yē, āmi satyi'i prabhābita haẏēchi, āmākē sbīkāra karatē habē yē āmarā yē biṭa tairi karēchi tā hāriẏēchē: ))
PS: Kibhābē yē sambhaba chila?
This reminds me of something.
I think that had to do something with the youtube organization SIDEMEN
The best thing is that @Haejin actually got a good deal so the conflict would not escalate. He simply dumped on it.
Bernie, you are the hero steemit needs but doesn't deserve.
this guy is just out to get you @berniesanders and everyone on steemit, I don't think with the right mind will ever accuse you of something like this.
I have a question(maybe a noob question) but on haejins page how come his rewards for curation/author don't show up? and his rank shows 25? I can see others when I go to their rewards

KABOOOM!! Haejin (Hgin): -1000% PROFIT Since @Haejin's Last Analysis!! What's Next?