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RE: A Few Thoughts On Formal Post Secondary Education

in #schooling4 years ago

I had often told my wife early on my educational steps that I didn't need a piece of paper to know I was smart 😁
While I still believe that to be the utmost truth, I have also seen doors open for me because of that stupid little piece of paper (I know it's not stupid...I'm just frustrated at times on the amount of time I had to spend to get it...I laugh to myself because it's easier than crying...).
I came close twice in my twenties to being able to retire based on my investments instead of having to work for someone else my whole life. Both of those opportunities closed without my ability to see them through, but I have rolled with the punches and made the most of what I had available to me. When I did finish my Bachelor's degree, I did 2 years worth of work in 1 year (60 credit hours in 12 months). It was hard to do with 5 kids and a wife who needed my attention...again, like you, I'm thankful for the things I did learn along the way.
I love your attitude of pursuing passion, purpose and posterity (though I'm guessing you meant prosperity...unless you did mean you want kids in your dreams...I have 5, so I'm not judging 😀)! You have a great perspective on your future...had to continue the alliteration lol

Good luck and God speed!


Thanks so much for the response. I haven't been very active here lately, because I've been busy pursuing things that need my attention.

Rolling with the punches is the only way to keep going. Push through the punch and ya get KO'd. If you roll with the punches and get knocked down, at least you have the opportunity to get back into the fight.

Bruce Lee said it best. "Be Water". Water breaks upon the rocks and rolls away to split mountains apart another day.

Many blessings to you and your family!