CAD drafting?

I surely will need it; I will let you know as I proceed...

I really do need to learn a new, good 3D modeling program myself.... Any recommendations?🤔

Hmmm... I wonder if there are any apps with AI assist to help me out with the steep learning curve?

"Computer! Draw me a truncated icosahedron wire frame... Orient it with one of the hexagons as the base... Extend adjustable angle triangles out from the hexagon for tripod landing gear... OK, now add a floor about a fourth of the way up, and put in a half-dozen acceleration couches... Generate CAM files to mill all the parts..."

And I fully expect to "prove you wrong," along with all the other skeptics.🤣 Your offer to help with CAD suggests that you are at least less cynical in your skepticism.😇

I've been closely following the history and development of non-Newtonian thrusters for many decades, starting with the Dean Drive which I learned of from an issue of Popular Mechanics in high school. (Trust me, that is a LONG time; starting back in the 60's!) I've done quite a bit of experimenting myself [with the Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster invented by Dave Cowlishaw], all inconclusive, but fun and interesting nonetheless).

I find this news about Charles Buhler and his company powerfully encouraging because they are verifying and validating the work of others who have reported success in the past, but with a significant difference: this time, a subject-matter expert--with bona fides--who is currently doing important work for NASA--is at the helm. Not that this changes the physics of the matter at all, but it will change public perception, especially within the scientific community.

Please God, they won't murder him? Or ramp up some psy-op propaganda to discredit him? This stuff is deadly dangerous threat to the state, because as it comes on line (much like bitcoin and asymmetric encryption in general) the tech will expand individual liberty, both in mobility and in access to "free" energy. Big Daddy Gov absolutely hates seeing that happen.

As always, thanks for your interaction.

- @creatr



Blender is free and open source. Not ideal for engineering drawings, but a solid starting point. Learning curve is steep, but community support abounds.

Thanks for the recommendation...🙏
I'm somewhat familiar with Blender... Don't recall if I ever tinkered with it? An old friend has used it...