I'm good, thanks. I didn't stock up on toilet paper. Wine was the first thing I filled my shopping cart with. Of course my university is closed, but not affected much else where. Still going to the gym.
I think the average korean household has enough toilet paper to last a year. Wine seems like a good choice.
My office is still making me come in, even though I could easily do my job just with my laptop. I work right in Gangnam which means crowded trains and constant exposure threat. But again all my worst assumptions, I think the situation here is under control. I just hang out in my neighborhood when I'm not at work. The weather is getting really nice.
That's terrible that they want you to come in anyway. Wouldn't be safer for them if you're working from home? I just don't wanna get it and give it someone else. Really enjoying the mild weather and clean air.
It literally makes no sense. Only one other guy on my team is even in this country and all we do asides from email, messaging and weekly coffee is chat during lunch.
I wear a mask to and from work.
Economy sucks and is getting worse. I'm not in the mood or position to complain.
Never a dull moment. Anyway, hope you're doing well. I don't think South Korea is out of the woods just yet.
I have lots of masks and toilet paper so I'm okay. I hope everything is well with you.
I wonder what people running the simulation will make of a run-on toilet paper due to a virus that makes you cough
I'm good, thanks. I didn't stock up on toilet paper. Wine was the first thing I filled my shopping cart with. Of course my university is closed, but not affected much else where. Still going to the gym.
I think the average korean household has enough toilet paper to last a year. Wine seems like a good choice.
My office is still making me come in, even though I could easily do my job just with my laptop. I work right in Gangnam which means crowded trains and constant exposure threat. But again all my worst assumptions, I think the situation here is under control. I just hang out in my neighborhood when I'm not at work. The weather is getting really nice.
That's terrible that they want you to come in anyway. Wouldn't be safer for them if you're working from home? I just don't wanna get it and give it someone else. Really enjoying the mild weather and clean air.
It literally makes no sense. Only one other guy on my team is even in this country and all we do asides from email, messaging and weekly coffee is chat during lunch.
I wear a mask to and from work.
Economy sucks and is getting worse. I'm not in the mood or position to complain.
At least the weather is great.