Anti Matter - The Fuel of the Future?

in #science7 years ago


What is Anti Matter?


Anti matter is basically the opposite of matter. In regular matter, which is predominately what makes up most of the universe, we have a neutron, a positron and an electron. (This is an atom of hydrogen) The electron carries a negative charge, the proton carries a positive charge and the neutron has no charge. This is the reason why a battery's current flows from the negative post to the positive post. When I was a kid, I was taught the opposite - positive to negative.

In an atom of anti hydrogen, the electron carries a positive charge, the proton carries a negative charge and the neutron has no charge. In this case an anti battery would flow from the positive post to the negative post.

There is still much debate as to why there is not a mixture of matter and anti matter in the universe. During and just after the Big Bang there should have been equal parts of both produced and perhaps there was. However, because matter and anti matter annihilates each other upon contact, it is theorized that there must have been slightly more matter than anti matter that was formed at this time. Following along this line of thinking, everything we see in the known universe is only a small fraction of what was originally produced. The early beginnings of our universe must have been a very chaotic time as this annihilation was taking place.
(My own theory is that this annihilation of particles may have something to do with the cause of the inflationary phase of the universe when we had the rapid expansion of space/time.) Just my theory and not something I have studied.

A Very Short History


We all know the famous formula E=MC2. Energy = Mass x The Speed of Light squared.

In 1928, the great Paul Dirac, in a paper he wrote proposed the possibility of anti electrons. He was not the person that actually coined the phrase "anti matter". The phrase came from Arthur Schuster in 1898.
In 1932, Carl D. Anderson, did actually prove its existence.
Research is ongoing in the field of anti matter and many recent experiments have been able to produce it in the laboratory. It has been known that anti matter does occur naturally in nature. Black holes and neutron stars have the ability to create a lot of matter/anti matter particles and anti matter can occur by radioactive isotope decay such as in potassium-40. Our own Van Allen radiation belt that surrounds our planet can also produce anti particles.

Why Anti Matter is Important as a Fuel Source


So why is anti matter important as a fuel source?
The short answer is that anti matter/matter interactions produce 100% efficiency.
Energy is found in all fuels that we use. From wood, coal, oils, gasoline, nuclear reactors and even nuclear bombs. Each one of these substances has a certain energy density. The process of turning these substances into energy has different efficiencies. Such things as burning gasoline in your car or a nuclear explosion is actually quite inefficient.

One of the other possible uses of these matter/anti matter reactions is to start a fusion reaction. Fusion reactions are what our Sun uses. Fusion converts hydrogen to helium which releases a lot of energy. The process keeps continuing to further and further heavier elements until the last is iron at which stage the star dies. For our sun that will be in about 4 - 5 billion years.
One of the problems with anti matter is the cost. In 2004 it costs about $60,000,000,000 (60 billion dollars) per gram of antimatter. The latest information I have is that the cost of a gram has dropped to about $25 billion. At these efficiencies it is not a practical source of energy as a gram of anti matter annihilating a gram of matter would be the same as the energy of a small atomic bomb or 43 kilotons of TNT. To put this into a different perspective, one gram of anti matter would produce enough heat to bring the oceans to boiling point.

One of the other problems is how to control these reactions. At present we can only contain anti matter particles in a perfect vacuum with a powerful magnetic field or "bottle". One atom of air in this vacuum would destroy one atom of anti matter.
From other sources I believe there is ongoing work that uses gold and lasers that produce a string of anti matter. I have also heard that the US already may have a weapon based on this technology. A small bomb the size of a grenade would have the power to incinerate an M1 tank....almost completely.
This is a terrifying prospect!

Here is the You Tube post.


1 kilogram of antimatter would produce, roughly, the equivalent of the czar bomb. It's explosive yield was approximately 50 megatons. That is 50,000,000 tons of TNT!
Yeah! "Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me" (Queen -Bohemian Rhapsody)

Like most new technologies the military industrial complex is usually the first to explore such technologies and from that we get the trickle down effects.

Although we have a fair way to go and several hurdles to over come, anti matter will become the standard means of generating energy in the near future. Let's just hope we don't annihilate ourselves in the process!

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Anti matter and the big bang

During the big bang an equal amount of matter and antimatter were created. But for some reason as far as we know in the end an unequal amount existed. For every billion antimatter particles a billion and one matter particles were created. We have theories but no solid evidence as to why this happened. This is one of the mysteries of the early universe.

fuel and energy

The main reason why it has been studied so much (by governments) is because it has a 100% conversion rate of mass into energy. This means it is the most efficient energy storage possible. This is E =MC^2 joules of energy. A single gram of antimatter can run an average computer for 1.7 * 10^12 years.Or about 12 times the age of the universe. That however doesn't factor in something. Anti matter also turns the same amount of matter into energy when they collide. The full amount of energy could run your computer for about 24 times the age of the universe. (if it only takes about 500 watts.) For comparison last I heard a nuclear fission explosion was at about 0.5% efficiency. No wonder the military wants to build bombs out of this stuff.

Thanks for the update and further information.
I am sure the readers appreciate your input. I know I do!

Nice post, if you would please consider adding your references and images sources :)

Sure. Go to and search for the images you want. Go to filters and click on "Free to share and use"

Hope that helps! An upvote would be nice!

Hi @acwood, Please don't misunderstand, I am trying to advise you what is required for your post to be curated. I would have upvoted and sent your post for review if you would please just add your references. I hope this helps you in the future for your scientific posts.
Also you can use this post to help with your image placement and to add their sources if you like:
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I appreciate it my friend. It is pretty hard to put in references when most of this stuff is in my head. I do like to use Wikipedia for specific facts and dates and online dictionaries for correct spelling of some words. I always use Bing for my images. I always try to be factual. I read an awful lot about a lot of different subjects that are of interest to me. I think it is something to do with my ADD and being slightly autistic.

I do like to use Wikipedia for specific facts and dates and online dictionaries for correct spelling of some words. I always use Bing for my images. I always try to be factual. I read an awful lot about a lot of different subjects that are of interest to me.

Just Note the wiki links, the word links and the books or websites you have read and you are sorted:)
Also hyper-link words to their wikipedia sources:)
I will try my best to guide you with your scientific posts:)

Well, I am not quite sure but I think I looked at this one on Anti Matter and this one about Paul Dirac
I just search for words I am not sure of the spelling. I always use Bing and it just pops up. As far as books I have read I can't really remember as this was way back in the 1960's when I became aware of Anti Matter. I did not have access to a lot of books when I was young. I probably first heard of the concept in a science fiction novel
Can you tell me what the difference is between just upvoting, resteeming and Curating. I always thought they were the same thing? Is this part of your job on Steemit? Why is all of this information so necessary? I do understand sources but usually I don't put in Wikipedia links because it is free to use, share and edit. I do put in a link if I think people may be interested in reading more about the subject.
Thanks for all your help. It is appreciated!

Can you tell me what the difference is between just upvoting, resteeming and Curating. I always thought they were the same thing?

I am a curator for a project on Steemit called SteemSTEM please have a look at their account @steemstem. It will help you understand the entire process:)
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