Crystal Wisdom - A Book by Marcel Vogel on the Radionic science of quartz, water, and mind

in #science7 years ago

Marcel Vogel, the crystal cutting and radionic pioneer, offered some of the most potent research in the Psychotronic sciences available to date. With no college degree, he became IBM senior scientist and invented phosphorescent inks, liquid crystal displays, magnetic disc drives, and more. Marcel had access to full the full resources of IBM to study the relationship between mind and matter.

Marcel Vogel discovered a geometric and morphic resonance between quartz crystal and the structure of water with rate of 454. With this knowledge he changed the molecular structure of water with a programmed quartz crystal and eventually made water smell like wine.

He determined the geometric structure behind thoughts, their resonance with geometric crystal lattices, and how to program a finely tuned crystal with a quick pranayamic pulse of breath.

Vogel recorded real-time videos of thought-forms and auras with De la Warr radionic technology.

His clear, double terminated quartz crystals are cut in a meditative awareness and synchronized breath in order to resonate the crystal with the radionic rate of the recipient. The cutting style are inspired by the geometry of the Sephirothic Tree of Life and the Great Pyramid angle of 51 degrees. Vogel developed legitimate thought computers and the most advanced radionic machine capable of balancing and restructuring of a persons bio-water. This is the magick of quartz and water.


Marcel offered a prime example of the working of a future scientist. He was a man in tune with nature and centered within his heart. Vogel harnessed spiritual insight to engineer natural principles for the balancing of humanity. This man merged his love of science with a science of love. ~ John Ech


One of Aether Force’s main motives is to keep Marcel Vogel’s work alive and moving towards its next phase.

Eternal gratitude for Marcel Vogel’s dedication to humanity.



Thank you for sharing this! I love Marcel's work

Thank you. I am working with several of the original Vogel people right now to obain the rest of his works and lectures. Email [email protected] if you would like some amazing files not available anywhere else. Also stay tuned to many of our upcoming posts and help us expand our reach. Thank you.