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RE: Mad Cow Disease: What Causes It?

in #science6 years ago

I will find all of that fascinating reading. However, I have tried to stop eating meat on ethical grounds, also. Unfortunately, I have some dietary limitations and can't handle much fiber so protein (non-dairy) is kind of a default diet. I try to eat mostly fish. At least fish are also predators and so they just become part of the food chain. I'm going to wait to upvote the comment until my VP is somewhat replenished. The hardest part about Steemit for me is the limited VP. Not very good at budgeting money, or votes :)


Yeah, I agree with you about the ethics. Ideally we wouldn't eat anything that can conceivably feel pain. I'm a bit lacking in that respect.

I liked your 'fish are also predators' idea, never thought of it like that. Those fish deserve to be eaten! :P

I too am milk-intolerant, but I seem to tolerate yogurt and cheeses fine, though I'm now following an elimination diet to try to make sure dairy is not harmful to me. I suspect I might have a gluten sensitivity. Well, something is bothering me but I don't yet know what.

Too bad about fiber, it's supposed to be good for the gut.

Yogurt is great...plain, fat-free yogurt a staple in my diet. When you think about it, we really weren't designed to be gluten eaters, were we? Isn't that a legacy of the Neolithic Revolution?
Poor fish. 🐬 I guess we can create a rationale for doing what we have to 😎

Fat-free = taste-free 😞