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RE: The Perils of Playing God: Why Geoengineering is Profoundly Dangerous.

in #science8 years ago

@mountainwashere another great article! It's amazing how individual ecosystems have balances to maintain homeostasis, and it scales up everywhere! Our planet has different regions and climates for a reason, it makes sense that there would be ramifications for messing with that. Good point with the increased moisture upwelling in Africa (hello new flooding problems) and a new desert popping up somewhere else. The balances to keep our planet habitable for us extends our into our solar system and beyond. We start messing with that and it may screw up the reasons life can be sustained here in the first place.

Interesting ideas you shared about ideas to counteract global warming; I hadn't heard of these. A sterile ocean, depriving plants from what they need from the sun, and no more surface based astronomy? But I enjoy amature astronomy! It's a fascinating world we live in, and we have the responsibility and gift of being good stewards of it. That's certainly becoming a more challenging thing as technology advances (more so in reference to past technology; this is going in a better direction now) and populations increase.


We can interfere with the natural world successfully- but only with caution, and only with great knowledge of the environment. Nature can form a new balance, a new homeostasis- but we might not like where it ends up.

Absolutely. Well said.