I think I've strayed from that recently, so I appreciate the nudge.
Oh you did fine. There's much harder stuff out there. See this for instance, I just read it: https://steemit.com/science/@lemouth/observation-of-new-phenomena-at-the-lhc-at-cern-flavor-anomalies-beauty-charm-and-penguins#@lemouth/re-alexanderalexis-re-lemouth-re-alexanderalexis-re-lemouth-observation-of-new-phenomena-at-the-lhc-at-cern-flavor-anomalies-beauty-charm-and-penguins-20170629t134202299z
Look at my comment to that post if you wanna have a chuckle maybe!
Now research is extending outside of aerobic exercise to other activities like weight training.
Yeah exercise science is in a lot of ways still in its infancy.