What a mesmerizing article, very good!
Surely a very complex topic, and the mere fact that, as you say, there are way more states of higher disorder than of higher order clearly shows that it is virtually impossible to REALLY grasp Quantum mechanics. Of course we can delve into that topic to some extend, but by attempting to break all this information down into a solid body of understanding we are actually trying to again create some kind of higher order. A temporary higher order we temporarily set up for ourselves to define ourselves as a species, because if we didn't we would certainly become overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities of expression.
From a universal perspective, disorder actually IS the order, or vice versa. Miracles are a result of disorder because whenever there is order the probability of deviations decreases. Thus, it is quite good that disorder is the Universal order, because otherwise miracles would be non-existent. Then again, this pattern is the one we experience in this particular Universe, but in the billions of other Universes completely other patterns might apply.
For me, the easiest way to look at it without getting overwhelmed is to see that simply ALL exists with no boundaries, while ALL has the room the express itself somewhere within the infinite time-space continuum. Depending on where we are and how we choose to express ourselves we can find explanations we resonate with and live and create in accordance with our discoveries, knowing that this is just one expression of infinite, hence will always change.
Thank you, I enjoyed reading!
and I enjoyed reading your response!
since brains are boundary creating machines, yeah right its about not listening to your brain. Outside of our "bayesian-brains" there is only universal order.
and the point with miracles is realy good. Disorder or entropy for the human means that there is supprise and miracles in a system and if you widen the boundaries you can get infinite amount of supprise.