More Flat Earth Memes! In Case Your Faith in Humanity Was Not Completely Destroyed Yet.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

It's that time again. What? No, not time to open a steakhouse where you get to pick out and personally slaughter the cow you're going to eat a steak from, what the hell? What's wrong with you? It's time to delve once again into the bottomless pit of despair that is American Christianity.


This is a recurring theme in these memes. The notion that the whole of science is faked for the sole purpose of discrediting Christianity. A very tempting view for Christians unwilling to contemplate the opposite, that Biblical cosmology is inconsistent with scientific observation because their religion is wrong.


Apparently high altitude nuclear tests were just attempts to penetrate the firmament. Somebody's off their meds. In their minds absolutely everything revolves around their religion and any time any person or organization does or mentions anything contrary to it, it's just a deep conspiracy to discredit the one true faith.


They're not wrong about what scripture says, or that it was indeed intended to describe a flat, disc shaped Earth with a solid dome over it. That's what moderate Christians are in denial about. Where they go wrong is that they conclude it must be true, and therefore all of science is a Satanic hoax.


Again, more scripture describing Biblical cosmology. Every day moderate Christians will insist all of it's metaphorical or taken out of context, but Biblical scholars and historians know better. Googling "Biblical cosmology" demonstrates this. Ancient Christians believed in a flat Earth.


To think there are people out there getting paid to lecture to crowds about this shit. Maybe I'm the dumb one for not capitalizing on the trend? I could probably bullshit more convincingly than the people who actually drink the kool-aid.


More verses about Biblical cosmology. So far as I can tell, moderate Christian reasoning goes: "The Earth is not flat. The Bible is true because I feel it is, and won't allow it not to be. Therefore the Bible must agree with science even where it plainly contradicts it."


These people can only account for the fact that every organization with access to space produces images showing Earth is a globe by concluding there is a worldwide conspiracy to discredit the Bible. I guess there kind of is: It's called "reality".


Note the classic backwards reasoning above. Humans took note of the movement of lights in the sky and devised a system of keeping time based on it for their own use.

Instead, they start with the system of time humans have devised as if it always existed, then marvel that the movement of planets and moons corresponds to it. Sure proof of design in their minds. Into the chamber with 'em!


So far as I can tell, while not every creationist is a flat Earther, every flat Earther is a creationist. A big part of the psychology of why people believe in a flat Earth is that if it were true it would be the smoking gun proving that we live in an intelligently designed environment.


There's no more backwards reasoning than this. But if one takes scripture seriously and does not deceive himself about what the authors most likely meant, given what little was known of cosmology at the time of writing, this is the conclusion it leads to. Pure, concentrated, balls to the wall schizophrenia.

Anyway that's all for this time, go wash your eyeballs. I think I'm gonna take up drinking.

Stay Cozy!


whether the world is flat or fiat I dont know, but I certainly know that humanity will always prevail from generations to generations.

Thank you @alexbeyman

Have a great day

Documented diurnal motion of stars around both poles disproves flat earth. Although it is hard to find pictures of this from the south pole, I did find some at one point.
Flat earth is a dank meme. Some of these memes, on the other hand, felt like a dumb punch to the face.

Wow, I demand you buy me a beer for making me read through these painful fucking memes, man. Jesus Christ, the internet really has become an echo chamber for idiots these days. How there is still hundreds of thousands of people who believe this shit in the 21st century will always astound me.

Haha it baffles me how so many people think the world is flat. Nice write up!

Don't worry, I have a plan:

Ah, a classic Suislide, yes? We can have fun sliding down into a trash trailer filled with cyanide tablets. That's the perfect plan, Alex.

Not us, the flat Earthers. But I guess either one solves the problem.

I'm down for the suislide, even if we get rid of the flat earthers there's still all the other conspiracy people out there waiting to spew out retarded shit. Perhaps we should just volunteer all of these people for the mission to mars against their will and they can go spread their ridiculous thoughts to each other out among the stars, far away from us.

I'd be ok with just gassing them tbh.


This suislide would put them in their place! Haha love it!

So Jesus is the only way to absolute schizophrenia. Nonstop facepalming in every direction...

Retard chamber lol))

It's like flogging a dead horse.
You're never gonna convince people of your point of view by antagonising them.

The infographics are pretty funny though :)

I know, I'm just letting off steam and having some fun.

I agree with you that it's ridiculous.
Perhaps we just have to work on our teaching skills?

You can't teach somebody something they are determined to reject.

If we eventually build enough rockets with our steemit earnings they'l have no choice but to accept.

or as Bender would say:

"They will learn of our peaceful ways.... by force !"

I jest. However I will try and find a flat-earther in my social circle (if there is one) and try and convince them. If that fails I'll try on someone from the internet. As geeeently as possible.

I favor a different approach. But right now the political climate is unsuitable for it.

I don't think I wish to discuss politics.

I do look forward to what you come up with though!


as long as we're talking about myths and legends

the norse had a pretty good one.

the aborginal north
WHATEVER!...had a good one too.

makes just about as much sense as anything else.

The Navajo believed the night sky to be a black sheet which birds pecked holes in. Light from the great spirit shone through the holes, accounting for the tiny lights in the night sky.

seems reasonable.
by the way..The Navajos call themselves Diné.
which loosely translated mean 'the people'
which can be construed to mean...anyone who is NOT navajo is not people
the monkeysphere
rears it's ugly head...yet again

Interesting. It's like their word for "humanity". For some reason I didn't follow you before, but I do now. I love to learn obscure tidbits like these.

it is NOT their word for humanity.
it's their word for members of their tribe.
no one else , except their tribe...
every one else are THEM
only the Dine' are US.

that explains everything.
welcome aboard.
read my books..
(if you want a bunch more 'tidbits')

Oh? But it means "the people" and excludes only nonhumans.

exactly..everyone not Dine' ARE nonhuman.
kinda like muslim
or jew
everyone relegion and tribe..

Alex - This is how i feel about Flat earth & round Earth concepts...

You made a nice article with lots of information about this concept... Nice you decided to share it...

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]


Here's a question for people debating if the earth is round, flat, a dome, etc...

Who the hell cares?

We can't do anything about it anyway, right? Science vs Religion is a battle society just doesn't need right now. If anything, the two should leverage their strengths and work together to help others. Impossible, right? That's the real puzzle to solve.

Who the hell cares?

Their argument is that it would settle in an overt, concrete way the question of whether there is a creator.

If anything, the two should leverage their strengths and work together to help others.

Isn't this like suggesting to Rick Grimes that his crew should work together with the zombies to rebuild society? The zombies do not want to cooperate. They want to make more zombies.

I wonder why they believe anything that can not be verified. they just give lectures to others while they do not do what they say .. you are right @ alexbeyman .. take care my friend.

When ideas are allowed to compete with each other, the correct idea always wins in the end, even if it takes a long time.

That' all right..but at first the right one is always blamed for not being what they want. but they know it's true but they are selfish..thanks@alexbeyman

I still don't understand why people still believe on Flat earth myth! We are heading to 2020 and we are in the Era of Crypto :D But still we got a set of people who think we live on a plate :D Seriously this is a big joke for me friend!
"I am not joking any religion or religion's view"@alexbeyman,


Because it's what the Bible describes.

Then I have nothing to say bro! You know what to believe!@alexbeyman,


I wasn't defending it, mind you. I am not a Christian.

Bro actually i didn't know that too! Topics based on Religion, I hate to discuss!@alexbeyman,


Wake up sheeple!!!11111

Oh my god ;)☺😊😀😁😄 thank you

Brother if you don't mind i am muslim i also belive on bible but with the passed of time a great change in bible wording
Its proof by Quran e Pak

You misunderstood the article. Probably because you didn't read it. I do not believe in the Bible. I am not a Christian. Anyways, what does the Quran prove?

Qur’an 18:83-86"And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people."

Sunan Abu Dawud 3991—Abu Dharr said: "I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water."

Now, does the sun actually set in a muddy puddle each evening?

Sun is still pulled every thing revolving round it

Does the sun actually set in a puddle each evening, yes or no? The Quran says that it does.

God is) the one Who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion” (Sura 21: 33).

Indeed, flat Earthers believe they travel in orbits as well. But above a disc shaped Earth:


This does not contradict Muhammad's belief that the sun sets in a puddle. That's what the Qur'an says. Will you acknowledge it?

"Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. "

"He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.""

You are great brother i also lack of knowlege due to week in english learning
You give me a way to read articals in dept way i will search about this

But science says sun is still

No it doesn't. The planets rotate around the sun, but the sun is also in motion, rotating around the galactic center:


is this for real are u having this debate in 2017 or I am drunk as fuck and imagining all of this

Brother upvote me if possible

The flat earth stuff is obviously inane, but I'm not sure "google biblical cosmology" is sufficient to justify extending your line of reasoning as far as to suggest that the exclusive original meaning of the text has no more depth than that by all accounts.

In a domain that is strictly non-scientific, how could any given explanation be clearly more valid than another, especially to an uninvested party? Extending this, what leads you to the conclusion that the most easily accessible and comprehensible (via Google) exegeses must be the most valid? The reasoning that visibility and accessibility equal validity could be used to, for example, rationalize the beliefs of enthusiastic Trump voters as entirely sound, on principle.

Somewhat tangential: Love him or hate him (or don't know who he is), Peterson gets to the core of the fundamentalism vs. science thing in this clip:

the exclusive original meaning of the text has no more depth than that by all accounts.

Is that what I said?

In a domain that is strictly non-scientific

How can a text which purports to explain the origins of the Earth, the cosmos and life be strictly non-scientific?

how could any given explanation be clearly more valid than another, especially to an uninvested party?

We can send satellites to orbit and use them to observe the shape of the Earth.

Extending this, what leads you to the conclusion that the most easily accessible and comprehensible (via Google) exegeses must be the most valid?

Period illustrations of a flat Earth engraved in stone. Medieval paintings of a flat Earth. The fact that every neighboring culture at the time of writing had a flat Earth based cosmology. Everything in this article.

Somewhat tangential: Love him or hate him (or don't know who he is), Peterson gets to the core of the fundamentalism vs. science thing in this clip:

He seems like somebody who has made a livelihood out of rendering the Bible defensible through extreme mental contortions.

Is that what I said?

"Every day moderate Christians will insist all of it's metaphorical or taken out of context, but Biblical scholars and historians know better. Googling 'Biblical cosmology' demonstrates this. Ancient Christians believed in a flat Earth." implies as much, and quite strongly.

How can a text which purports to explain the origins of the Earth, the cosmos and life be strictly non-scientific?

I refer to the domain of religion. One likely explanation, if you remove the somewhat arbitrary presupposition that "moderate Christians" are wrong about the bible being metaphorical (though analogical is perhaps a better term here), is that the cosmological elements of scripture are instead an analogue to things for which crafting abstract terminology would be less useful to the reader than a simple allegory with intended self-evident relation to observable reality - a self-evidence which, to be fair, was likely more accessible to Ancients than for us in 2017.

We can send satellites to orbit and use them to observe the shape of the Earth.

You missed what I was saying entirely; I'm referring strictly to consensus regarding the validity of the many interpretations of scripture - at least one layer of abstraction above the "bible vs. science" discussion, so not even properly comparable. Of course the earth is round.

Period illustrations of a flat Earth engraved in stone. Medieval paintings of a flat Earth. The fact that every neighboring culture at the time of writing had a flat Earth based cosmology. Everything in this article.

This also doesn't really relate to what I asked you; you just push the evidence-of-cosmology line further, but I'm asking you why you would privilege any one interpretation of scripture over another when you seem to treat it all as, broadly speaking, nonsensical.

To follow you a bit though, the interpretation of pictorial symbols has as much potential for error as does that of scripture, to say nothing of "perspective" not being an established artistic concept; nor of the implication that depictions of something must somehow inherently be authoritative on the source material (think those weird Christian Sonic drawings lol). Also that link didn't work.

He seems like somebody who has made a livelihood out of rendering the Bible defensible through extreme mental contortions.

You'd be wrong, he's a PhD clinical psychologist and professor of psychology - formerly at Harvard, even. Accordingly, and to extend an earlier point, perhaps the contortions aren't that extreme, or even contortions at all, if what he's talking about is something other than your own understanding of the same thing.


It looks more of a fun for me at the moment...

Any way very nice one to go straight.. @alexbeyman

thank u.

Everything in this world has basis for its claim and if we find that basis then only our heart accepts that.

Good one @alexbeyman

steem on and stay blissful.

This is a very helpful, Thanks for sharing interesting post ..

Is the world map also inverted ?👀👀

Haha.. This reminds me of the man arguing with me that the earth is flat.

nice post.thanks for sharing this.resteemed.

Qur’an 18:83-86"And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people."

Sunan Abu Dawud 3991—Abu Dharr said: "I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water."

Does the sun actually set in a muddy puddle each evening?