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RE: Mythbusting with metagenomics: How scientists disproved the common belief that urine is sterile

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Fair enough, you clearly have some skin in the game so your attitude is perfectly understandable.
My perspective is like someone telling you about bitcoin, which is totally revolutionary and is currently turning the financial world on it's heels.
Urine is similar in that personal knowledge of a freely available modality of healing and curing disease will turn the entire medical/pharmaceutical industry on it's heels.
There is very good reason for the research/medical community to dismiss urine therapy.
I have no skin in the game except my own. My personal experience is unequivocal for me.
It is entirely up to you to dismiss without investigation or be curious.
Accepting only establishment peer reviewed data about urine is like saying only Goldman Sachs, the Federal reserve and the IMF should be the only acceptable information about bitcoin.
Cheers A.