
What will I drop, gym or regular life?

Probably regular life.

Error 404: Regular life not found XDD

You don't know how bad my grades are, compared to my peers.

At least I have friends and get enough sleep.

Same here~
I am the one who dont know how to do exam 😂😂
Really glad to have a prof pick me as a RPG and not just look at grades
Competition is always tough, we used to make jokes:
"Sleep"? What is "sleep"? Something can eat? lol

You have empirically proven record of good social skills (the most important).
Concerning the posts you are way above an average student, thus you will finish it in 2 - 3 years easily with a lot of good time on conferences.

And now it's time for my workout. Reading the papers requires serious core strength and endurance.

What would your life be like without a regular life?

Full of work and food I suppose

I'm sure you wouldn't want that

Food is nice tho :P But yea, a life is kind of nice too