The pineal gland is also known as the Dasam Dwaar in Sikhi. It is the means to experiencing a connection with the Creator i.e. God through the practice of singing Kirtan with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY.
Now what this does when activated is opens a doorway to another dimension within yourself. So, if you don't have the support of a realized master and this experience suddenly bursts open for you it will be REALLY REALLY DIFFICULT to hold onto your body because the force with which this could happen is something your body needs either training or something known as a JOORA in Sikhi to handle.
Otherwise, you could have to say bye bye to your body FOREVER if you're not able to handle the force of it. THEREFORE, only practice such things in the company of a REALIZED MASTER because then the experience turns out to be FUN and not FREAKY. And that's all I have to say. Have a great day ahead.
Great information @amarbir
Thank you for adding that quality information to my post. I guess it's one thing brining up the theory, another to access that theory and finally, what to do with it or how to control it.
Thanks for replying.
Your Welcome. Have a great day ahead.
You too.