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Is our DNA always the same?
All of our external and internal traits are written in DNA. What changes our DNA? 'No, our DNA is not always the same and may not be the same.
Every cell is divided into cells, ie cells from two cells, two to four cells separated from one cell. Cells of DNA are also divided into cells due to this cell division. In fact, two DNAs from one DNA, dividing from two to four DNAs. It is called DNA replication. Inside the DNA, the code is written with four types of letters (A, T, G, C). These four letters are four types of chemicals. Our genes are arranged by these chemicals. The human body has 3.2 billion times. That is, once the DNA replication is done, then 3.2 billion chemicals have to be replicated. But the problem is that, there are some ERROR / errors every time in the replication. This ERROR says in book language MUTATION. It was found that, once every 10 ^ 8 times, there was a mistake in the chemical replication. The total number of errors in the 3.2 billion times chemical replication is around 30. That is, once DNA replication is wrong with 30. When a new cell is created from a cell, the wrong number is 30, when the new cell re-divides, then there are more than 30 errors, thus increasing the number of errors in cell division each year. To make a mistake, if an important gene code changes, then our body has many other complex diseases including cancer. So, our DNA is not always the same. With age, our DNA is mutation.