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RE: Birth, Life and Death of a Star (English/Turkish)

in #science7 years ago

Lol no. You won't go to other dimension. You will die. The gravity pull in Black hole is very massive. It will first pull you into a spaghetti and then further to the extent where you break down to the tiniest of your constituting particles.
And then over a course of million years the black hole would radiate you out. :p


And then over a course of million years the black hole would radiate you out.... meaning I will be alive again?

As a matter of fact, both relativity and quantum physics are rigorously tested and verified.
They both are absolute theories .
And fun fact, they both contradict each other.
The universe is amazing bro.
Upvote my cmnts 😁♥️ If it helped you

I am following you bro, peace

No. I meant those atomic particles that you broke down into will be radiated out

oh okay,, you seem to know something about it,, what's your opinion on time travel??

Scientists like michiau kaku believe time travel is now only an engineering limitation.
As per Einstein's general theory of relativity,the faster you move in space the slower you move in time. So if a someone is made to make a journey across space in a very fast spacecraft then time would run slower for him while for people on Earth it would move faster. Hence when he returns much more time on Earth would have passed than the time he spent on his journey.
This in way is time travel.
But it's different than the one we see in movies.

That's is soo cool.. You are awesome mate,, u explain so well

Thanks bro, I am Physics enthusiast and a physics Student too 😁♥️I am looking forward to post some awesome articles on my blog on topics like these. Do you have any favorites. Tell me.i will make an article on that.

Ofcourse, can you write on flat earth theories and prove them wrong

You can't jump timelines the way they show in movies or at least the physics we know so far says so.
The kind of time travel we might do today with sufficient tech would only be a kind of skipping of timelines. You won't meet yourself in future coz you already left Earth on a spacecraft and returned back at a time when the entire Earth has moved to more farther timeline than you have.

Are you a teacher mate??

Well I teach my juniors which includes secondary and higher secondary students but I am not in teaching as profession. It's only a part time act. Thanks for asking. I am undergrad student right now. Still learning 😁

Actually no one knows what happens beyond the event horizon of a black hole. There are speculations though. If Hawking radiation is real then eventually a black hole is supposed to evaporate away which essentially means that everything that went inside, got evaporated too as subatomic particles. However no one is really sure.

While the grand scale physics which includes relativity says physics breaks down inside a black hole at a singularity and all the information that goes inside it is lost and destroyed forever.
On the other hand quantum physics believes the information isn't destroyed but gets scrambled,
Which further gives rise to many hypothetical ideas such as holographic universe

My goodness.