This is actually a really really good post. I'm impressed and I'm happy to find new good posters like you.
Keep up the good work and write on interesting topics, hope you will not need to worry about writing topics like this one. And it's sad if someone has to worry about writing that vaccines work and/or they are not causing autism
@apsu Thank you very much for your amazing feedback, it is very motivating. And I know, I also thought about this being a "risky" topic to write about (God, why?), but I did my best to show why there is more than a reasonable doubt against these findings. Hope many find it helpful!
To be honest, few years ago I wouldn't had thought anyone writing about such topic would be seen as a brave and good thing. But now, it is a big thing, as so many people seem to believe anyone talking about vaccines is either an anti-vaxxer or "evil corporate lackey".
We are living in a crazy world. I'm still happy there are good people like you.